Desktop publishing


KS4 ICT Mind Map on Desktop publishing, created by Matthew Stentiford on 19/04/2017.
Matthew Stentiford
Mind Map by Matthew Stentiford, updated more than 1 year ago
Matthew Stentiford
Created by Matthew Stentiford over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Desktop publishing
  1. Benefits of DTP
    1. High quality, pro looking publications that have impact can be created
      1. Templates
        1. Easy to edit publication layout
          1. display shows what will be printed
            1. Consistency of style
              1. Ready made colour schemes
                1. Complex layouts possible
                2. Word processing software
                  1. document that can be attached to emails or printed
                  2. Features
                    1. Page layout (margins, size, orientation etc)
                      1. Changeable text fonts/size
                        1. Justification (text aligned left/right)
                          1. Tabulation (List of data put in tables to be more readable)
                            1. Headers/footers
                              1. Templates
                                1. Spellcheck/thesaurus
                                  1. Problems
                                    1. incorrect word may be valid anyway (i.e witch and which)
                                      1. US/UK have different spelling of some words (colour/color)
                                        1. Names and surnames marked incorrect as they aren't in the dictionary
                                      2. Mail merge
                                        1. Borders
                                          1. Graphics = images can be manipulated/autoshaped
                                          2. File formats
                                            1. Word
                                              1. text
                                                1. image
                                                  1. spreadsheet
                                                    1. comma-separated variable
                                                      1. Rich text format
                                                        1. Database
                                                          1. .mdb
                                                          2. .rtf
                                                          3. .csv
                                                          4. .xls / .xlsx
                                                          5. .jpg / .png
                                                          6. .txt
                                                          7. .doc / .docx
                                                        2. Watermarks
                                                          1. Placed on master page and appear behind every page of the document
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