Data, Info and Knowledge


KS4 ICT Mind Map on Data, Info and Knowledge, created by Matthew Stentiford on 21/04/2017.
Matthew Stentiford
Mind Map by Matthew Stentiford, updated more than 1 year ago
Matthew Stentiford
Created by Matthew Stentiford over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Data, Info and Knowledge
  1. Advantages of ICT
    1. Less physical storage needed
      1. Stored data is more secure (encrypted)
        1. Can be accessed quicker
          1. Back ups can keep data secure
            1. Easily edited data
              1. Faster processing
                1. fewer staff needed BUT they need ICT skills
                  1. Data can be presented in different ways
              2. Data can be stored on a network and be used by any user on that network
                1. Computers transfer data to other computers in secounds
                2. Disadvantages
                  1. Expensive equipment
                    1. Difficulties to those that do not have good ICT skills
                      1. Viruses/hackers can damage data on computer network system
                      2. Validation
                        1. Batch total
                          1. Add numbers up and the computer checks if it is correct, accepts it if it is
                          2. Hash total
                            1. Same as the batch total but the total has no meaning. i.e checking telephone numbers
                          3. Verification
                            1. Check that the data received was the same as the data sent
                              1. transcription errors
                                1. Omissions - leaving data out
                                  1. Transpositions - typing 1324 instead of 1234
                                    1. Spelling mistakes
                                2. Visual check - looking for errors by human eye
                                  1. Double keying - entering data twice
                                    1. Parity check - adds extra binary digit onto the end to make it an even parity. Once received it checks that all binary digits are even
                                3. Encoding data
                                  1. changing "large red bag" to "LR Bag)
                                    1. Advantages
                                      1. Less computer memory is used
                                        1. Easier to enter the data once you know the codes
                                          1. Fewer errors (more accurate data)
                                  2. Speed of access to data
                                    1. Once data is recorded onto device it can be retrieved very quickly
                                      1. Computers can look through large amounts of data and find answers almost instantly
                                        1. ICT has improved the services of businesses
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