Ahmed cannot Run


Mind Map on Ahmed cannot Run, created by Yousaf Alabrash on 23/04/2017.
Yousaf Alabrash
Mind Map by Yousaf Alabrash, updated more than 1 year ago
Yousaf Alabrash
Created by Yousaf Alabrash almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Ahmed cannot Run
  1. causes
    1. muscle weakness
      1. other causes
        1. infection
          1. poliomylitis
            1. lyme disease
            2. metabolic
              1. Glycogenoses
              2. neurological
                1. Guillain-Barré syndrome
          2. anatomy of foot
            1. arches
              1. Sole of the foot
                1. sensory
                  1. blood vessels
                    1. muscles
                      1. 1st layer
                          1. 2nd
                            1. 3rd
                              1. 4th
                        1. nutrients for muscle development
                          1. Duchenne muscular dystrophy
                            1. lack of dystrophin
                              1. disfunctional DGC
                              2. cause
                                1. genetic
                                2. mode of inheritance
                                  1. Pathogenesis
                                    1. progression
                                    2. clinical progression
                                      1. stages
                                        1. complications
                                    3. muscle strength scale
                                      1. History Taking
                                        1. physical examination
                                          1. special tests
                                            1. neurological examination
                                        2. gait cycle
                                          1. some abnormal gaits
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