Ahmad cannot run


Mind Map on Ahmad cannot run, created by rand firas on 23/04/2017.
rand firas
Mind Map by rand firas, updated more than 1 year ago
rand firas
Created by rand firas over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Ahmad cannot run
  1. Neurological examination of lower limb
    1. Steps:
      1. 1. Inspection
        1. 2. Romberg's test
          1. 3. Tone
            1. 4. Power
              1. 5. Reflexes
                1. 6. Sensation
                  1. Light touch
                    1. Pin prick
                      1. Vibration
                        1. Proprioception
          2. Gait
            1. The style of walking
              1. Phases
                1. Stance
                  1. Swing
                  2. Gait cycle
                    1. Heel strike
                      1. Weight bearing
                        1. Push off
                          1. Swing through
                    2. Gait abnormalities
                      1. Trendelenberg gait
                        1. Lurch gait
                          1. Swing out
                            1. Hip hiking
                              1. Steppage
                            2. Muscle dystrophies
                              1. Progressively weakening genetic diseases that target voluntary muscles
                                1. Becker's Muscular Dystrophy
                                  1. A milder version of DMD
                                  2. Emery-Dreifuss
                                    1. A genetic defect that leads to incomplete nuclear envelope
                                    2. Limb-girdle
                                      1. A 15 gene defect that leads to abnormal muscle protein
                                      2. Oculopharyngeal
                                        1. Due to genetic defect that causes clumping of faulty protein
                                        2. Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy
                                          1. Progressive weakening due to lack of dystrophin
                                            1. Pathophysiology
                                              1. A mutation on Xp21
                                                1. Dystrophin
                                                  1. Links muscle cells to extracellular matrix
                                                    1. Lack of it
                                                      1. Destruction of muscle cells
                                                2. Signs & Symptoms
                                                  1. Infant
                                                    1. Motor development is delayed
                                                      1. Transition
                                                        1. 3-9
                                                          1. Loss of ambulation
                                                            1. 10-14
                                                              1. Late
                                                                1. 15+
                                                        2. Investigations
                                                          1. Blood enzyme level
                                                            1. EMG
                                                              1. Genetic testing
                                                                1. Biopsy
                                                                  1. Western Blot
                                                                  2. Quality of Life
                                                                    1. Heart problems
                                                                      1. Breathing difficulties
                                                                        1. Immobility
                                                                          1. Insomnia
                                                                            1. Learning disabilities
                                                                              1. Dyslexia
                                                                                1. Dyscalculia
                                                                                  1. Dysgraphia
                                                                                2. Gene Therapy
                                                                                  1. new DNA containing a functioning gene to correct the effects of a disease-causing mutation
                                                                                    1. Somatic
                                                                                      1. Gene transferred to body cells
                                                                                      2. Germline
                                                                                        1. Transferred to a gamete cell
                                                                                        2. Techniques
                                                                                          1. Gene augmentation
                                                                                            1. Gene inhibition
                                                                                              1. Killing cells
                                                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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