The Emigree - Carol Rumens


GCSE English (Poetry) Mind Map on The Emigree - Carol Rumens, created by Samira Choudhury on 26/04/2017.
Samira Choudhury
Mind Map by Samira Choudhury, updated more than 1 year ago
Samira Choudhury
Created by Samira Choudhury over 7 years ago

Resource summary

The Emigree - Carol Rumens
  1. 'November' - Oxymoron, contrast, darker, month she left, negative
    1. 'Once was' - Story, loss, no longer
      1. No regular rhyme or rhythm - Irregular life, change
        1. 'Sick' - Personification of country, war
          1. '...' - Remembering
            1. Born in South London
              1. 'Paperweight' - Noun, metaphor, grounded, memories are solid but also fagile
                1. 'Branded' - Metaphor, marked
                  1. 'Banned by the state' - Can't speak own language
                    1. First person
                      1. 'I am told' - Someone else telling her
                        1. 'Sunlight-clear' - Memory is bright, clear, happy
                          1. 'White' 'Graceful' 'Glow' - Adjectives, verb, pure, alliteration
                            1. 'Sunlight' - Repetition, dream-like
                              1. 'Time rolls its tanks' - Personification, time is an enemy, time moving on, war imagery
                                1. 'Close like waves' - Feels close to country, ocean between her
                                  1. 'Child's vocabulary' - Own language, what she was taught, bought up with
                                    1. 'Like a hollow doll' - Simile, identity hidden inside
                                      1. 'Coloured molecule' - Language is precious
                                        1. 'Spills a grammar' - Language comes out, uncontrollable
                                          1. 'Can't get it off my tongue' - Fitted on her, mother tongue, always with her
                                            1. 'It tastes of sunlight' - Treasured, language reminds her of country
                                              1. 'I have no passport' - Unable to go back, hopeless
                                                1. 'No way back' - Trapped
                                                  1. 'White plane' - Speakers emotions, memories
                                                    1. '.' - Trapped, stopped
                                                      1. 'My city' - Hers, always with her
                                                        1. 'Comb its hair and love its shining eyes' - Personification, loves own country, cares for it, memory shines like eyes
                                                          1. 'Sunlight' - Ends on memories, won't let go
                                                            1. 'Through the city of walls' - Memories break her out, restricted in new city
                                                              1. 'My city takes me dancing' - Personification, noun, free, city memories
                                                                1. 'Their' - Not hers
                                                                  1. 'Free city' - Irony, not free
                                                                    1. 'My city hides behind me' - Past hidden from others
                                                                      1. 'Mutter death' - New city will destroy her city
                                                                        1. 'Accuse me of being dark' - Not accepted
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