Video Tools for Students


Elements of Presentations Mind Map on Video Tools for Students, created by Ana Hale on 01/05/2017.
Ana Hale
Mind Map by Ana Hale, updated more than 1 year ago
Ana Hale
Created by Ana Hale almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Video Tools for Students
  1. Green Screen Video
    1. You would use this if you wanted to place yourself in a location that is not accessible to you
      1. This is challenging technology and you must be willing to spend time learning it. It will probably take time outside of the classroom to complete a project like this.
        1. I highly recommend using Do Ink iPad app for Green screen projects. It is an app that does cost money. I do have this app on my device, and I am willing to help you .
          1. Example Video:


          2. Animoto
            1. This tool is moderately challenging to learn to use
              1. You would want to use this tool if you have good pictures you want to turn into a video. The video would be subtitled, so having very good writing skills is a must
                1. Example Video


                2. Educreations
                  1. Example Video:


                    1. This is a fairly easy tool to learn to use.
                      1. You would want to use this tool if you had a visual that you wanted to explain to someone.
                      2. Powtoon
                        1. Powtoon is a very challenging tool to use.
                          1. You will need to create a storyboard and script before you being to create it online.
                            1. You would want to use Powtoon if you had a story to share with your viewer that you needed to create using audio and visual elements.
                              1. Example Video:


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