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Eating Behaviour
Mindmap for AQA-A psychology unit 3 eating behaviour
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unit 3
eating behaviour
eating behaviour
undergraduate degree
Mind Map by
Brendan Williams
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Brendan Williams
over 10 years ago
Copied by
Brendan Williams
over 10 years ago
Resource summary
Eating Behaviour
Attitudes to food
Social learning - parents model eating behaviour for children
Brown & Ogden - Correlation between parent/child snacking, eating motivation & body dissatisfaction
MacIntyre et al - media impacts food attitudes, but behaviour limited by personal circumstances
Meyer & Gast - positive correlation between between peer influence and eating disorder. Likeability most influential
Doesn't consider evolution, natural preference for fatty and sweet
Gender bias - studies only on women
Homosexual men more at risk than hetrosexual
Culture - bodily dissatisfaction more common in white mid-upper class
Powell & Kahn - bodily dissatisfaction more in white women than blacks/asians
Certain foods not eaten due to religion
Striegel-Moore et al - more drive for thinness in black girls than whites.
Mumford et al - Bodily dissatisfaction more in Asian school children than whites
Ball & Kenardy - 14,000 Australian immigrants, longer in Australia, more preference for native foods
Dornbusch et al 7,000 American teens. Mid-Upper class females more drive for thinness
More likely to be dieting to achieve this
Acculturation effect - adopting behaviour patterns of surrounding culture
Story et al - American higher class students greater bodily satisfaction and less weight control behaviour
Difficult to generalise findings, some from clinical populations and some non clinical
Hard to draw causal factors
Craving sweet, starchy foods when upset, explained by classical & operant conditioning
Garg et al - Watching a sad film had 36% more popcorn consumption than a happy film, where more grapes were eaten
Can become unresponsive or not work
Parker et al - repeated use of chocolate only prolonged negative mood, not removing it
Bulimics have lower mood on binging days
Wegner et al - low mood before & after binging
Difficult to see reinforcing qualities
Wedig & Nock - reinforcement found
Social negative reinforcement - avoiding people
Intrapersonal positive reinforcement - increase strength of positive emotion
Low mood precedes binging
Stress can decrease eating behaviour
84/154 students eating less main response
Oliver & Wardie 73% students stress increased snacking
Explanations for the success/failure of dieting
Restraint theory - restricting what you eat will cause weightloss
Kirkley et al - 50 women, restained eaters had fewer calories than unrestrained eaters
Rodin et al - obesitity cause beliefs & weightloss motivation important predictors of weightloss
Disinhibition - loss of restraint control, leading to overeating
Wardle & Beales - obese women in 1/3 groups. Restrained group ate more than exercise or control group
Restraint an obesity treatment, but overeating & obesity can cause depression. A failure unable to control weight
Cannot explain how restraiend anorexics don't overeat
Park et al - Asian adults more prone to obesity than Europeans
Harder to diet
Misra et al - greater central fat mass
Lacks scientific credibility, much is based on personal accounts. Memory not 100% accurate. Assesment not objective
Boundary model - dieting failure due to increased distance between hunger & satiety
Biopsychological explanation - body has a set point maintained by eating. Dieting emposes cognitive boundary
Takes longer to feel satiated so more food consumed
Herman & Polivy - restrained eaters consumed more when convinced they'd be shocked
Herman & Mack - Non dieters with high calorie preload ate less than non preloaders. Reverse in dieters
Ironic processes of mental control - seeing food as forbidden can cause you to want it more
Wegner - Suppressing thoughts makes food more attractive
Some people may be born fat. High levels lipoprotein lipase (LPL) makes body better at calorie storage
Boredom - People dislike repeated experiences. Sticking to a diet can be hard
Development of anti diet programmes (weightwatchers), regulation of eating by hunger & satiety signals, not restriction which is ineffective
Theory of planned behaviour
Williams et al - motivation style predictive of weight loss and weight motivation
Kiernan et al - people dissatisfied with body more likely to lose weight.
Possibly due to high value on attractivness
Ogden & Mills - maintained weight loss initiated by life event
Criteria needed to be met
Behavioural model of obesity
Restriction in food choice
Reduction in benifits & function of eating
New ID as a thin person (reinvention)
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