Injuries in Sport


topic refinement
Elle Glazbrook
Mind Map by Elle Glazbrook, updated more than 1 year ago
Elle Glazbrook
Created by Elle Glazbrook almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Injuries in Sport
  1. Tragedies
    1. Athlete potection
      1. Helmets
      2. Particular sports
        1. Contact sport?
          1. Bat and ball sports
          2. Affects on teammates
            1. Performance
              1. Mental strain
                1. respect
                2. Affects on sporting community
                  1. Sporting enviroment
                    1. Social media
                      1. Supporting ethics
                    2. Publicity
                      1. Affects on players
                        1. Mental strain
                          1. Privacy
                          2. Media restrictions
                            1. Privacy
                          3. Performance
                            1. retirement
                              1. finance
                              2. Long term
                                1. Individual success
                                  1. Team success
                                  2. Mental strain
                                    1. Social media
                                      1. Mental stain
                                        1. Privacy
                                      2. Sporting community
                                        1. Respect
                                          1. Support
                                            1. Team
                                              1. Individual
                                              2. Privacy
                                                1. Social Media
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