Prevent insolvent trading (s588G)


Corporate law Mind Map on Prevent insolvent trading (s588G), created by infesto on 16/05/2014.
Mind Map by infesto, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by infesto over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Prevent insolvent trading (s588G)
  1. Elements of duty: s588G(1) (a) Person a director WHEN company incurs debt (b) Company insolvent WHEN incurs debt or becomes insolvent BECAUSE of debt. (c) Reasonable grounds for SUSPECTING company is/will become insolvent because of debt (d) Director AWARE at time there are reasonable grounds for suspecting company is insolvent or REASONABLE PERSON in similar position in company’s circumstances would be aware
    1. Applies ONLY to directors (inc. de facto and shadow) A company cannot itself be appointed as a director of another company (s201B(1)) but it can be a shadow director. (Standard Chartered Bank of Australia v Antico) p.211
      1. Two types of debts:
        1. Deemed debts: (See table) When company takes actions s588G(1A), automatically deemed to have incurred a debt. Uncommercial (s588FB) that a reasonable person would not have entered into having regard to: Benefits/detriments from entering, benefits other parties gain from transaction, any relevant matter
          1. Other debts: • Debt must be incurred for a specific calculated amount • Debt can be contingent (payable some time in future) (Hawkins v Bank of China) • Must be voluntary (taxes deemed to be incurred voluntarily s588F)
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