Synovial Joints


Here is a brief explanation of what the bone types are and what is their functions.
Mahmut Ozzengin
Mind Map by Mahmut Ozzengin, updated more than 1 year ago
Mahmut Ozzengin
Created by Mahmut Ozzengin over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Synovial Joints
  1. Condyloid joint: This joint allows movement in two planes, It allows flexion, extension, adduction, abduction and circumdation
    1. Pivot joint: There's a pivot joint at your elbow and between the first vertebrae. These joints allow twisting or rotation
      1. Gliding joint: This joint is formed between the bones of the wrist and foot. The bones glide over each other to allow sliding or twisting movements. For example the hand action in basketball when you dribble with the ball
        1. Hinge joint: Examples of these are found at the elbow, knee and ankle. They allow flexion and extension.
          1. Saddle joint: This joint is formed between the carpals and metacarpals at the base of the thumb. The movements are the same as the Condyloid joint
            1. Ball & Socket joint: These joints give the greatest range of movement. Ball & socket joints at the hip and shoulder it allows flexion, extension, adduction, abduction and rotation.
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