EVOLchines' impact


Mind Map on EVOLchines' impact, created by manuela gentili on 11/05/2017.
manuela gentili
Mind Map by manuela gentili, updated more than 1 year ago
manuela gentili
Created by manuela gentili over 7 years ago

Resource summary

EVOLchines' impact
  1. Unit 1: 'The evolution of machines'
    1. Subproduct: Timeline and summary
      1. Context: History
      2. Unit 2: 'Evolve to go back?'
        1. Context: Citizenship
          1. Subproduct: Advertisement
          2. Unit 3: 'RRRe-creating machines'
            1. Context: Natural Science
              1. Subproduct: Article
              2. Final outcome: Section of a magazine
                1. This project aims at: - Helping students acquire concepts, skills, strategies and attitudes which enable them to become proficient at identifying and analyzing the development of machines, their features and their impact on human life as well as on the environment; - Helping students develop skills of text analysis in order to think creatively for creating their own section of a magazine.
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