Jane Elliott Study


Overview of Jane Elliott's prejudice study
Katie Radford
Mind Map by Katie Radford, updated more than 1 year ago
Katie Radford
Created by Katie Radford over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Jane Elliott Study
  1. Studied her class of 3rd graders
    1. Start
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    2. Divided the class into blue eyes and brown eyes
      1. Told them people with blue eyes are superior
        1. Brown eyed children had to wear a collar to highlight that they had brown eyes
          1. The blue eyed children quickly discriminated against the brown eyed children
            1. They had all been good friends the day before
              1. Showed that minimal differences between groups is enough to provide the basis for discrimination
                1. Especially when authority tells one group they are superior to the other
                  1. End
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