The Death of Marat


The Death of Marat, JL David
Mind Map by peggyhughes, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by peggyhughes over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Death of Marat
    1. Marat was personal friend of David's - he was leader of revolution and responsible for the deaths of many innocent people due to casual signing of death warrant
      1. 1793: Charlotte Corday assassinates Marat. Gains entry to his house by presenting a fake list of traitors. Assassination proved to be suicidal and futile
        1. David asked to paint tribute to the leader - day before had seen Marat in his bath and painted him as such
        2. CONTENT
          1. Marat lies sprawled in a bathtub, his head lolling back in death. His right arm falls over edge of bath (holding pen, showing his work) and his left grips a (false) letter from Charlotte Corday. (Letter asks for help - appears as if he has been tricked into letting her into his house through his goodwill)
            1. He is propped up against folds of white cloth - reminiscent of shrouds of Jesus, as is small and delicate stab wound in his side
              1. Next to bath is simple wooden box on which he works - shows both his commitment to revolution and humble nature
              2. LIGHT
                1. Seems to emanate from right hand of painting (glowing background)
                  1. Round glow seems as if spotlight: falls on letter from Corday and Marat himself, creating 3D effect
                    1. Dark background seems ominous and thick in comparison: suggests heavenly presence
                    2. David uses chiaroscuro to create drama. Alludes to Caravaggio's work which mainly focused on religious subjects
                      1. Shallow space - figure close to picture plane, viewer feels like witness to his murder
                      2. TECHNIQUES AND STYLE
                        1. Oil paint, highly realistic depiction of human form
                          1. Would have used glazing technique, layering thin layers of oil paint to create 3D effect
                        2. INTERPRETATION
                          1. Through religious allusions and motifs David gives Marat a sense of superior, even religious statue - depicts a saviour who is matyred for revolution
                            1. Compares Marat to Christ, sacrificing his life for the good of the people. In doing so presents revolution as 'new religion'
                            2. Shows him as "hero of the revolution", working until his very death and murdered through his attempts to help the people
                            3. COLOUR
                              1. Colours are dark and earthy, made up of browns and purples
                                1. Sets sombre mood
                                  1. Painting seems atmospheric and gloomy, giving a sense of wrongdoing and injury
                                  2. White of cloth seems to glow in contrast
                                    1. Draws eye towards material
                                      1. Seems to symbolise purity and morality, a (false) reflection of Marat's character and a link to the purity of Jesus
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