French Listening


Mind Map on French Listening, created by Izzy Pearl (Student-SS) on 18/05/2017.
Izzy Pearl (Student-SS)
Mind Map by Izzy Pearl (Student-SS), updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy Pearl (Student-SS)
Created by Izzy Pearl (Student-SS) over 7 years ago

Resource summary

French Listening
  1. Unit 4
    1. Introducing people
      1. je te présente mon..., ....
        1. may I introduce my...., .....
        2. Et voici mes deux sœurs, ... et ...
          1. These are my two sisters, ... and ...
          2. elle s'appelle
            1. she is called
          3. Talk about families
            1. beau-père
              1. stepfather/father in law
              2. bébé
                1. baby
                2. belle-mère
                  1. stepmother/mother in law
                  2. cousin(e)
                    1. cousin
                    2. (demi-) frère
                      1. (half/step) brother
                      2. (demi) sœur
                        1. (half/step) sister
                        2. enfant
                          1. child
                          2. fille
                            1. daughter
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