Elements and Compounds


Year 7 Science (Elements and Compounds) Mind Map on Elements and Compounds, created by sophie loiselle on 20/05/2017.
sophie loiselle
Mind Map by sophie loiselle, updated more than 1 year ago
sophie loiselle
Created by sophie loiselle over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Elements and Compounds
  1. The Periodic Table
    1. The first 20 elements:
      1. 1 - Hydrogen - H
        1. Non- metal
          1. 2 - Helium - He
            1. Non- metal
              1. 3 - Lithium - Li
                1. Metal
                  1. 4 - Beryllium - Be
                    1. Metal
                      1. 5 - Boron - B
                        1. Semi- metal
                          1. 6 - Carbon - C
                            1. Non- metal
                              1. 7 - Nitrogen - N
                                1. Non- metal
                                  1. 8 - Oxygen - O
                                    1. Non- metal
                                      1. 9 - Fluorine - F
                                        1. Non- metal
                                          1. 10 - Neon - Ne
                                            1. Non- metal
                                              1. 11 - Sodium - Na
                                                1. Metal
                                                  1. 12 - Magnesium - Mg
                                                    1. Metal
                                                      1. 13 - Aluminium - Al
                                                        1. Metal
                                                          1. 14 - Silicon - Si
                                                            1. Semi- metal
                                                              1. 15 - Phosphorus - P
                                                                1. Non- metal
                                                                  1. 16 - Sulfur - S
                                                                    1. Non- metal
                                                                      1. 17 - Chlorine - Cl
                                                                        1. Non- metal
                                                                          1. 18 - Argon - Ar
                                                                            1. Non- metal
                                                                              1. 19 - Potassium - K
                                                                                1. Metal
                                                                                  1. 20 - Calcium - Ca
                                                                                    1. Metal
                                            2. Other Common Elements:
                                              1. 29 - Copper - Cu
                                                1. Metal
                                                  1. 26 - Iron - Fe
                                                    1. Metal
                                                      1. 79 - Gold - Au
                                                        1. Metal
                                                          1. 82- Lead - Pb
                                                            1. Metal
                                                              1. 47 - Silver - Ag
                                                                1. Metal
                                                                  1. 30 - Zinc - Zn
                                                                    1. Metal
                                                                      1. 80 - Mercury - Hg
                                                                        1. Metal
                                                                          1. 53 - Iodine - I
                                                                            1. Non- metal
                                                                              1. 35 - Bromine - Br
                                                                                1. Non- metal
                                                                                  1. 50 - Tin - Sn
                                                                                    1. Metal
                                                              2. Elements
                                                                1. They are pure substances made up of only one type of atoms
                                                                  1. Pure substance means that it cannot be separated physically, and it is the same regardless of the source
                                                                    1. Compounds are also pure substances, but they are made up of two or more different elements chemically bound together in a definite ratio
                                                                  2. Cannot be decomposed into more substances by chemical means
                                                                    1. Some exist as two atoms chemically bonded together (diatomic molecules)
                                                                      1. Molecules can be made of different elements or the same- compounds have to be different
                                                                    2. Atoms
                                                                      1. Smallest part of whole matter
                                                                        1. Made up of protons, electrons and neutrons
                                                                          1. Protons and neutrons are in the nucleus, and the electrons orbit the nucleus
                                                                            1. Symbols and Relative Mass:
                                                                              1. Proton - P - 1
                                                                                1. Positive
                                                                                  1. Neutron - n - 1
                                                                                    1. Neutral
                                                                                      1. Electron - e - 1/2000
                                                                                        1. Negative
                                                                              2. Our Changing View of the Atom
                                                                                1. "Atoms are the building blocks of matter" - Early Greek philosophers - 400 B.C.E
                                                                                  1. "Negative electrons are embedded in a sea of positive charge" - J.J Thompson - 1898-1903
                                                                                    1. "Positive charge is located within a central nucleus" - Ernest Rutherford - 1911
                                                                                      1. "Electrons are in circular orbits with quantized energy levels" - Neils Bohr - 1913
                                                                                        1. "Electrons occupy regions of space whose shape is described by complex mathematical equations" - Quantum Mechanics - Modern Model
                                                                                          1. The Bohr Model:
                                                                                            1. Electrons in shells
                                                                                              1. Can be up to 2 electrons in the 1st shell, up to 8 electrons in shells 2 and 3, and up to 18 in 4th shell
                                                                                                1. Number of electrons= atomic number
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