GCSE:Statistics Formula Sheet


Mind Map on GCSE:Statistics Formula Sheet, created by Filip Jinga on 21/05/2017.
Filip Jinga
Mind Map by Filip Jinga, updated more than 1 year ago
Filip Jinga
Created by Filip Jinga over 7 years ago

Resource summary

GCSE:Statistics Formula Sheet
  1. Pearson's Product Moment Correlation
    1. r=Sxy÷√(SxxSyy)
      1. Sxy= Σxy(ΣxΣy÷n)
        1. Sxx=Σx²-(Σx)²÷n
          1. Syy=Σy²-(Σy)²÷n
        2. Symbols
          1. <=Less Than
            1. >=More Than
              1. ≥ =Grater Than or Equa to
                1. ≤= less than or equal to
                2. Pie Charts
                  1. Angle in Pie= Number in Category÷Total Number of Values x 360
                  2. Frequency Density
                    1. Frequency Density= Frequency÷ Class width
                      1. Frequency= Frequency Density x Class Width
                      2. Mean
                        1. x̅=∑x÷n or x̅=∑fx÷∑f
                        2. Standard Deviation
                          1. √∑fx²÷∑f-x̅
                          2. Q1,Q2,Q3,IQR
                            1. Q1=n+1÷4
                              1. Q2=n+1÷2
                                1. Q3=Q1+Q2
                                  1. IQR=Q3-Q1
                                    1. Outliers are values that are:>Q1+1.5(Q3-Q1) or <Q1-1.5(Q3-Q1)
                                    2. Index Numbers
                                      1. Value÷VAlue in Base Year x 100
                                        1. Weighted Index Number= ∑(index no. x weight)÷∑wright
                                        2. Probability
                                          1. P of an Event= Number of outcomes matching event÷total number of outcomes
                                            1. P of Something Happening= No. of Times its happened÷ Number of Trials
                                            2. Mean Co-ordinates
                                              1. Mean X Co-Ordinate=∑x÷n
                                                1. Mean Y Co-Ordinate=∑y÷n
                                                2. Equation of the Line
                                                  1. y=mx+c
                                                    1. m=gradient
                                                      1. c= Where the line goes through the y axis
                                                    2. Standerdised Value
                                                      1. Value-Mean÷Standard Deviation
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