
Year 11 IT Mind Map on BO63=PDC- INERFACES, DATA SECURITY, LEGISLATION, created by josh collins on 22/05/2017.
josh collins
Mind Map by josh collins, updated more than 1 year ago
josh collins
Created by josh collins over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. interfaces
    1. GUI- Graphical user interfaces
      1. WIMP- Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointers
        1. 1. Simplicity/Familiar=
          1. encourage to use, easy to use
          2. 2. Navigation
            1. Customer to easily navigate to find things
            2. 3. Use colour/fonts
              1. Easy on the eye/house style to company
              2. 4. Consistency
                1. Design consistent through the app
                2. 5. Feedback
                  1. Tells user they areusing the device correctly
                  2. 6. Preferences
                    1. Options that can become useful to the user
                    2. 7. controls
                      1. How it interacts with interface
                    3. Command lines- Text based
                      1. Menu driven (Phone menu)
                      2. Data Security
                        1. data safety- preventing accidental data loss
                          1. Data security- protects data from unauthorised access and strategiesn for security
                            1. Authentication- User can identify themsleves on a network
                              1. 3 Methods
                                1. Knowledge
                                  1. Pin number
                                    1. Patterns
                                      1. Passwords
                                      2. Possession
                                        1. Swipe card
                                          1. Security
                                            1. ID badge
                                            2. Physical
                                              1. Fingerprint
                                                1. Retina pattern
                                                  1. Voice recognition
                                                2. Single factor- one way to accsess an account
                                                  1. Two Factor- two ways to access an acount
                                                3. Encrytion= scramble data so it's unreadable.
                                                4. Legislation- Laws for PDC
                                                  1. DPA principles
                                                    1. 1. Fairly and lawfully
                                                      1. Terms and conditions that tells customer how data will be used
                                                      2. 2. Data used for specified legal purpose
                                                        1. Onluy used for what is stated.
                                                        2. 3. Adequet,relevant.
                                                          1. Only specific data the customers have given is kept.
                                                          2. 4. Accurate/ up to date.
                                                            1. Company keeping data accurate(validation)... up to date keep being refreshed.
                                                            2. 5. Not kept longer than nessercary.
                                                              1. Customer dont use the compdany has to erase the data.
                                                              2. 6. Data subject rights
                                                                1. Rights to look and check your data.
                                                                2. 7. Data must be secure
                                                                  1. Keep data backed up/ Prevent access to network/ install firwalls
                                                                  2. 8. Not transfered outside EU
                                                                    1. Data not linked outside EU
                                                                  3. Copyright designs
                                                                    1. protects peoples work from other people copying
                                                                    2. Computer missue act 1990
                                                                      1. Deals with data security
                                                                      2. Health and safety act 1974
                                                                        1. prevents any health issues while at work
                                                                          1. back ache, eye strain
                                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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