Impact of Tet Offensive 1968


A Levels Vietnam/USA Mind Map on Impact of Tet Offensive 1968, created by elise-v on 21/05/2014.
Mind Map by elise-v, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by elise-v over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Impact of Tet Offensive 1968
  1. Impact on South
    1. Confidence in government shaken, since offensive revealed even with US support, civilians not protected.
      1. 14,300 civilians dead, 24,000 wounded. 630,000 new refugees making 1/12 of South living in refugee camp.
        1. Dessertation rates 10.5% before raised to 16.5%
          1. National Assembly passed Thieu's request for general mobilization of population and 200,000 draftees inducted into armed forces. Military mobilization, anti-corruption campaigns, demonstrations of political unity carried out.
            1. National Recovery Committee to oversee food distributiion, resettlement and housing construction for new refugees.
              1. Thieu suspicious of Americans "you really knew that was coming didn't you?" he questioned Washington official. Johnson curtailed bombing of North confirmed what Thieu feared, that US would abandon South.
              2. Weakening Communists
                1. Plan too complex, they attacked everywhere instead of concentrating on few specific targets.
                  1. 50,000 dead and wounded. VC never fully recovered and organisation damaged. Filled one third of VC with Northern regulars.
                    1. Allowed forces to be defeated piecemeal, launching massed attacked into teeth of vastly superior firepower and incorrect assumptions upon which entire campaign was based.
                      1. 180,000 VC and NV troops died during 1968.
                      2. Impact on US
                        1. Highest posted highest US casualty figures for single week during entire war, 543 killed and 2,547 wunded. 1968 deadliest year. US Selective Service System announced new draft call for 48,000 men, second highest of war.
                          1. McNamara stepped down.
                            1. Westmoreland asked for 206,000 additional troops to expand war into North, Laos and Cambodia. But Defense Secretary Clifford was sceptical and Johnson rejected further escalation. Westmoreland replaced.
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