
Mind Map on PREFIXES, created by Melany Evelin IQUISE ARONI on 01/06/2017.
Melany Evelin IQUISE ARONI
Mind Map by Melany Evelin IQUISE ARONI, updated more than 1 year ago
Melany Evelin IQUISE ARONI
Created by Melany Evelin IQUISE ARONI about 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Letters added to from of a word
    1. Change meaning of a word
      1. IN
        1. COMPLETE
          1. CAPABLE
            1. SANE
              1. VISIBLE
              2. UN
                1. CLEAN
                  1. IMPORTANT
                    1. LOCK
                    2. MIS
                      1. UNDERSTAND
                        1. BEHAVE
                          1. PLACE
                            1. KICK
                            2. RE
                              1. HEAT
                                1. WRITE
                                  1. START
                                  2. IM
                                    1. PATIENT
                                      1. MOVABLE
                                        1. POSSIBLE
                                        2. DIS
                                          1. APPEAR
                                            1. LIKE
                                              1. AGREE
                                              2. WATCH THE VIDEO!!
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