Old Age identity


A - Level Sociology (Identity ) Mind Map on Old Age identity, created by Yasmine King on 06/06/2017.
Yasmine King
Mind Map by Yasmine King, updated more than 1 year ago
Yasmine King
Created by Yasmine King almost 8 years ago

Resource summary

Old Age identity
  1. Family
    1. Parsons
      1. Elderly have less status in society they lose their most important social role
        1. Disengagement theory, elderly people disengage from their previous roles and 'harvest the fruits of their labours'
          1. Old age identity is socially constructed to be a period of disengagement so that society can function harmoniously
          2. Disengagement process
          3. Media
            1. Portraying old people in a stereotyped wasy
              1. Carrigan and Szmigin
                1. Depictions of older people feature caricature and negative images such as smelly and incontinent
                2. Sontag
                  1. Suggests that there is a double standard of ageing women are required to youthful through out their media careers and men are not
                3. Peer group
                  1. Inclusion into new groups by taking up activities during retirement
                    1. Clarke and Warren
                      1. Old age may be a time to make new friends and engage in new interests.
                        1. Active ageing is when this period of life provides new opportunities and can be seen as an active and engaged stage of life
                      2. Workplace
                        1. Excluding them by being institutionally ageist.
                          1. Johnson
                            1. ageism occurs in the workplace. It is institutionalised and embedded in practices and society.
                              1. Stereotypical assumptions about a person's competency to do a job.
                            2. Religion
                              1. sense of comfort when facing death
                                1. Voas
                                  1. The generational effect and the ageing effect
                                2. Hockey and James
                                  1. Old people are infantilised
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