Aboriginal people and Colonisation and contact


9 HSIE and Art Mind Map on Aboriginal people and Colonisation and contact, created by shenaii matlock on 27/05/2014.
shenaii matlock
Mind Map by shenaii matlock, updated more than 1 year ago
shenaii matlock
Created by shenaii matlock over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Aboriginal people and Colonisation and contact
  1. Early Contact
    1. - Torres strait islanders and Indonesian fisherman visited the North of Australia up to 800 years ago.
      1. -The Chinese traders were also belived to have visited the north of Australia
        1. In the 1500s the Europeans know about Australia.
          1. The Dutch explored the west coast of Australia but only saw desert so had no intrest in the land.
            1. Captain Cook explored the east cost of Australia in 1770. He saw the good land and decided to claim it for Great Britain and called it New South Wales.
              1. The British saw the land as beloning to no-one. This allowed them to take the land without an agreement with the local people.
              2. Invasion
                1. First Fleet
                  1. The first fleet came to Sydney on the 26th of Januany 1788. About 1100 convicts, officers, women and Children began to settling. The Aboriginals didn't understand who the people were or why there have came. When the white people came they brought diseases that the Aboriginals weren't immune to. The Aboriginal people began to lose control of there land.
                  2. Names
                    1. Phillip: He was the governor of the new British colony.
                      1. Arabanoo: He was the first victim captured at Manly. He quickly learned the English but died within a year from the smallpox.
                        1. Bennelong: He was captured by Arther Phillip and was taught to speak English. He began to have a good friendship with Phillip and decided to go to England. He eventually came back to Australia but found that he was caught between two worlds white culture and Aboriginal culture.
                      2. Impact on the Aboriginal people
                        1. Diseases
                          1. The Dharugs started to get the smallpox first which put them in battle to save there land.
                          2. Food supply
                            1. Because the Aboriginals refused to move away from there traditional land they started to rely more and more on the British for food and support.
                            2. Land
                              1. As the Europeans cleared more and more land the Aboriginals had less and less food sources.
                            3. Aboriginal resistance
                              1. Pemulwuy: Between 1790 and 1802 he lead the resistance attacks in the Sydey region. It was reported that he was invincible but in 1802 he was shot and the British sent his head to England. The Brittish thought that his death would have ended the Aboriginal resistance but they still continued. Because of the Aboriginal attacks, the British slaughtered thousands of Aboriginal people.
                                1. Myall Creek Massacre: In Northern NSW 1838, 2 European settles were killed be Aborigines. 12 local stockmen decided to take revenge, so they tock 28 people from the local Aboriginal camp, including children. Then they brutally beat the people to death while tied up and then burnt the bodies. In the end most of the men got hung of merder and now that sight is a great sadness for Aboriginal people.
                                  1. By around the 1790s the Aborigines began to use guerrilla tastics against thr settlers. They attacked homes, crops and animals with violence and fire. This resulted to conflict on both sides
                                  2. Dates
                                    1. First fleet arrived to Australia 26th of Januany 1788.
                                      1. Bennelong and Phillip went to Englend 1792.
                                        1. 1770 Captain Cook claimed east cost of Australia
                                          1. 1798 Smallpox spreads
                                            1. 1868 Myall Creek massacre
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