Causes of the Pilgrimage of Grace, 1536-7


A-Level History Mind Map on Causes of the Pilgrimage of Grace, 1536-7, created by 199627 on 27/05/2014.
Mind Map by 199627, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 199627 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Causes of the Pilgrimage of Grace, 1536-7
  1. Great Chain of Being
    1. Upset about the changes to the natural heirarchy
      1. Did not want the blurring of social lines
        1. Eg gentry becoming priests
      2. Religious changes
        1. Rebels wanted monasteries restored
          1. Aske said it was the "greatest cause" of the rebellion
            1. 11/24 of the Pontefract Articles related to religion
              1. Pilgrims only aimed to restore 16/55 dissolved houses in the North
                1. Aske made the rebellion a Pilgrimage
                  1. Made rebels take the Pilgrims Oath
                    1. Pilgrims wore a badge with the Five Wounds of Christ on
                    2. C.S.L. Davies argues religious factors "served to give the movement cohesion" and "bind together different classes" and "legitimating resistance to the King"
                      1. Guy argues that true religion was the "most important rebel platform"
                      2. Taxation
                        1. The Act of First Fruits and Tenths (1554) meant Henry took a much larger amount of clerical wealth than the Pope ever had
                          1. Rebels particularly opposed Cromwell's policies of taking tax during peacetime in the 1534 Subsidy Act
                            1. Gentry opposed the Statute of Uses
                            2. Food shortages and agrarian issues
                              1. High food prices because of a disastrous harvests in 1535 and 1536
                                1. Other agricultural issues were present
                                  1. Eg renewal of tenancies, border tenures, enclosures and rack-renting
                                2. Aristocratic feud
                                  1. Elton argues the uprising was an orchestrated attempt by disaffected nobility to increase their power and influence at court
                                    1. The northern noblemen were angry at the positions of Cromwell because of his lowly status
                                      1. Key roles played by Lord Hussey and Lord Darcy
                                        1. Hussey was a member of the Aragonese faction
                                        2. When the Pontefract Articles were drawn up, the gentry had to explain to the commons what the Statute of Uses was
                                        3. Opposition to Cromwell's policies
                                          1. 3/24 Pontefract Articles opposed Cromwell and Riche
                                            1. Cromwell and Riche were specifically named as heretics in the Pontefract Articles
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