Language and Culture


Defining Language and Culture
Carol Casas
Mind Map by Carol Casas, updated more than 1 year ago
Carol Casas
Created by Carol Casas over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Language and Culture
  1. Language
    1. Means
      1. Cognitive Styles
      2. Bicultural
        1. Semantic
          1. Words and grammatical forms
            1. Viewed as an object
            2. Pragmatic
              1. Acts of communication
                1. Viewed as Means of communication
              2. Culture
                1. Representations
                  1. Actions
                    1. Attitudes
                      1. Beliefs
                        1. Religious
                          1. Moral
                            1. Ideological
                              1. Political
                            2. Behaviors
                              1. Traditions
                                1. Norma roles
                                  1. Customs
                                    1. Habits and fashions
                                  2. Ethnosyntax
                                    1. Connections
                                      1. Culture and Knowledge
                                        1. Attitudes and practices
                                        2. Morphosyntastic
                                      2. Culture Psychology
                                        1. Each other
                                          1. Feelings
                                            1. Thoughts
                                        2. Symbols
                                          1. things and ideas
                                          2. Individualism
                                            1. one's self
                                              1. Primary Familiy
                                                1. Independent Cultures
                                                2. Collectivism
                                                  1. Others
                                                    1. Groups
                                                      1. Traditions
                                                        1. Values
                                                        2. Interdependent Cultures
                                                        3. TOM
                                                          1. Ability to Undersand
                                                            1. Mental Activities
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