Keywords - Conservation in the UK


A Levels Environmental Studies (AS LEVEL Unit 1 - The Living Environment) Mind Map on Keywords - Conservation in the UK, created by rache11ouise on 29/05/2014.
Mind Map by rache11ouise, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rache11ouise over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Keywords - Conservation in the UK
  1. NGOs
    1. Non-Governmental Organisations
    2. Ecotourism
      1. Tourism intended to have a low environmental impact
      2. Plagioclimax
        1. A community of species that does not develop to a natural climax but is maintained by external influences including human activities
        2. Natural England
          1. The UK governmental organisation with responsibility for the conservation of wildlife and the landscape
          2. Natura 2000
            1. A network of protected sites in the EU that combine the SPAs and SACs set up under the birds and habitat directives
            2. Species Recovery Programme
              1. UK programme to help increase the numbers of some endangered species
              2. Greenpeace
                1. An environmental pressure group
                2. FoE
                  1. Friends of the Earth is an environmental pressure group
                  2. National Trust
                    1. A UK charity that conserves historic buildings and important landscapes and habitats
                    2. WWF
                      1. World Wide Fund for Nature is an environmental campaigning and pressure group
                      2. Forestry Commission
                        1. The UK governmental forestry organisation which manages research commercial timber production, learning and leisure
                        2. BAP
                          1. Biodiversity Action Plan
                          2. Rio Summit
                            1. An alternative name for the Convention on Biological Diversity 1992
                            2. Biodiversity
                              1. A measure of the variety and abundance of wildlife species
                              2. DEFRA
                                1. Department for Environmental Food and Rural Affairs
                                2. LNRs
                                  1. Local Nature Reserves
                                  2. National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act
                                    1. The UK law that enabled the establishment of National Parks, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and many public rights of way
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