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Biology B1
GCSE Science Mind Map on Biology B1, created by Lara Coffin on 17/05/2013.
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Mind Map by
Lara Coffin
, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by
Lara Coffin
almost 12 years ago
Resource summary
Biology B1
Fitness and blood pressure
Fit and healthy
Healthy means being free of diseases
Fit is how well you can perform physical tasks
Can be measured through...
Blood pressure
Blood is pumped around your body by contractions of your heart
It leaves your heart and then flows around your body through arteries
It then flows back to your heart through veins
Healthy blood pressure should be about 135 (systolic) and 85 (diastolic)
Factors that increase your blood pressure...
Being overweight
Too much alcohol
Being under lots of stress
Low blood pressure
It causes poor circulation which means that tissues don't get enough food and oxygen
You could end up feeling dizzy and fainting
High blood pressure and heart disease
Smoking raises blood pressure
Carbon monoxide
It combines with the haemoglobin in red blood cells, and so reduces the amount of oxygen they are able to carry
Increases heart rate
Poor diet
Saturated fats
Cholesterol is a fatty substance
You need some cholesterol for making cell membrains
Too much forms plaques on the artery walls which narrows the arteries and restricts the flow of blood
High salt levels
You need some salt but too much can cause high blood pressure
It causes damage to the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack
Narrow arteries
The heart gets blood from the coronary arteries
If these become narrowed the heart gets less oxygen
A thrombosis (blood clot) restricts blood flow
If a blood clot happens in a narrowed artery, the blood flow might be cut off completely
This causes a heart attack
Eating Healthily
Balanced diet
Provide energy
They provide energy, act as an energy store and provide insulation
They are needed for growth and repair of tissue
Vitamins and Minerals
They have various functions
Vitamin C prevents scurvy
Iron is needed to produce haemoglobin
To prevent dehydration
Needs may vary
Children need protein for growth
Old people need calcium to protect against bone diseases like osteoporosis
Physical activity
More active people need more carbohydrates for energy
Females need iron to replace iron lost during the menstrual cycle
Different diets
Religious reasons (e.g. Hindus don't eat cow because they are sacred)
Personal reasons (e.g. Vegetarians don't eat meat because they think that it is cruel)
Medical reasons (e.g. some people may be allergic to some foods)
Diet problems
Not enough protien
Causes kwashiorkor
A common symptom is a swollen stomach
In developing countries many people have diets that are too low in protein
Overpopulation - there just isn't enough protien-rich food for everyone
Money - there isn't enough money to invest in proper agriculture
EAR (g) = 0.6 x body mass (kg)
Estimated average daily requirement of protein
It is just an estimate
EAR varies with age, (e.g. children need more protein because they are still growing
Pregnant women need extra protein to help their baby grow
Eating disorders
Anorexia nervosa
It leads to self-starvation
Bulimia nervosa
It involves binge eating followed by self-induced vomiting
BMI isn't always reliable, muscle weighs more than fat so people with lots of muscle may come out with a high BMI
BMI = Body Mass Index
BMI = body mass (kg) over height (m) squared
Weight descriptions
Below 18.5 - underweight
18.5 - 24.9 - normal weight
25 - 29.9 - overweight
30 - 40 - moderately obese
Above 40 - severely obese
BMI is used to decide if someone is underweight, normal, overweight or obese
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