Designing computer-based information systems


Mind Map on Designing computer-based information systems, created by piggott.alex on 17/05/2013.
Mind Map by piggott.alex, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by piggott.alex over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Designing computer-based information systems
  1. Processing
    1. Batch
      1. Interactive
        1. Real time
        2. Operating systems
          1. Single-user
            1. Multi-user
              1. Multi-tasking
              2. Human-computer interface (HCI)
                1. Designing
                  1. Use of colour
                    1. Layout
                      1. Quantity of information
                        1. Font size
                          1. Complexity of language
                            1. Type of controls
                            2. Command-line interfaces
                              1. Menus/submenus
                                1. Graphical user interfaces (GUIs)
                                  1. Natural language
                                    1. End user
                                      1. Perception
                                        1. Attention
                                          1. Memory
                                            1. Learning
                                              1. Mental models
                                                1. Model Human Processor
                                            2. Methods of dialogue
                                              1. Prompts
                                                1. Nature of input
                                                  1. Method of input
                                                    1. Feedback
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