Past Simple


When and how to use the past simple tense.
Pamela Evangelista
Mind Map by Pamela Evangelista, updated more than 1 year ago
Pamela Evangelista
Created by Pamela Evangelista over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Past Simple
  1. Verbs
    1. Regular
      1. wash - washed clean - cleaned stop - stopped study - studied play - played
      2. Irregular
        1. make - made write - wrote read - read
      3. shows
        1. Completed and finished actions in the past.
          1. things that happened at a specific time in the past.
          2. Time Expressions
            1. Yesterday, this morning, last week, last moth, last year, in 2015, a year ago
            2. Auxiliaries
              1. Was - Wasn't Were - Weren't
                1. Did - Didn't
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