Legal, Social, Ethical and Environmental Issues When Using ICT


Mind Map on Legal, Social, Ethical and Environmental Issues When Using ICT, created by Ryan Allen on 17/05/2013.
Ryan Allen
Mind Map by Ryan Allen, updated more than 1 year ago
Ryan Allen
Created by Ryan Allen over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Legal, Social, Ethical and Environmental Issues When Using ICT
  1. Computer Missue Act 1990


    • Was passed to deal with the problems of hacking, viruses and other nuisances
    1. Level 1


      • Unauthorised access to computer programs or data as a nuisance. Example: Cause damage to a PC just to prove you can, break the password code into a bank just to brag.
      1. Level3


        • Unauthorised modification of a computer. Example: hack into a PC system to commit a crime, break the password code into the Bank of England to steal money.
        1. Level 2


          • Unauthorised access with a further criminal. Example: Cause damage to a computer for malicious reasons.
        2. The law consists of:


          • -Deliberately planting a virus in a PC with intention to cause damage.                                       - Using PCs in work time to carry out unauthorised work.                 -Copying computer programs.      -Hacking into someone else's system to view or change info      -Using PCs for fraud.
          1. Offences covered by act:


            • 1) To impair the operation of any computer.                                      2) To prevent or hinder access to any program or data.                     3) To impair the operation of any program or reliability of any data.
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