Core 1.4 Developments in Modern and Smart Materials


GCSE Edexcel New Specification Mind Map on Core 1.4 Developments in Modern and Smart Materials, created by T Andrews on 26/07/2017.
T Andrews
Mind Map by T Andrews, updated more than 1 year ago
T Andrews
Created by T Andrews over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Core 1.4 Developments in Modern and Smart Materials
  1. 1.4.1 Modern and smart materials
    1. Shale memory alloys (SMA)
      1. Nanomaterials
        1. Reactive glass
          1. Piezoelectric materials
            1. Temprature responsive materials
              1. Conductive inks
              2. 1.4.2 Composites
                1. Concrete
                  1. Plywood
                    1. Carbon/ glass, fibre
                      1. Reinforced polymers
                        1. Robotic materials
                        2. 1.4.3 Technical Textiles
                          1. Constructional textiles
                            1. geo-textiles
                              1. Domestic textiles
                                1. Environmentally friendly textiles
                                  1. Protective textiles
                                    1. Sports textiles
                                      1. Agro-textiles
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