

This is to help with Systems dealing with Amazon and Shopify
Sarah Barnes
Mind Map by Sarah Barnes, updated more than 1 year ago
Sarah Barnes
Created by Sarah Barnes over 7 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Amazon
    1. As soon as you pick a product
      1. Assign an UPC code to it, unless it already has one (on Amazon) in which case you need to assign it to the one on Amazon
        1. Create a description with no less than two Keywords
      2. As soon as you receive a product
        1. Take photos
          1. Edit Photos
            1. Upload Photos
        2. When you ship the product
          1. Print labels and put them on the product
            1. Weigh the box
              1. Enter weight and box dimensions into Amazon
                1. Print label
                  1. Take to UPS store
          2. Customer Service
            1. eiorogis
              1. Shopify
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