EPQ : Do the benefits of using psychoactive to treat bipolar disorder truly outweigh the risks


This is a mind-map I have created to get my ideas for my EPQ project in one place
Elizabeth Moulson
Mind Map by Elizabeth Moulson, updated more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Moulson
Created by Elizabeth Moulson about 7 years ago

Resource summary

EPQ : Do the benefits of using psychoactive to treat bipolar disorder truly outweigh the risks
  1. Bipolar Disorder
    1. Psychoactive drugs
      1. reduce or eliminate suffering caused by psychological conditions


        • anxiolytics, sedatives, and hypnotics anitdepressants antipsychotics mood stabilisers 
        1. benziodiazepines
          1. particularly relevant to bipolar; reduce anxiety, promote calm and relaxation, facilitate muscle relaxation, and induce sleep
            1. negative symptoms are significant


              • short-term memory loss reduce alertness increases sleepiness slow reflexes 
            2. antiolytics, hypnotics and sedatives
              1. central nervous system depressants that reduce anxiety and its symptoms, such as muscle tension and agitation
              2. antidepressants
                1. psychoactive medication aimed at treating depressive episodes
                  1. result in reduced alertness, sleepiness, and excitation
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