

Western Australian Certificate of Education English ATAR (1894 by George Orwell) Note on Play, created by Selina Koo on 06/09/2017.
Selina Koo
Note by Selina Koo, updated more than 1 year ago
Selina Koo
Created by Selina Koo about 7 years ago

Resource summary

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Courtesy Details   Adapted by Robert Icke and Duncan Macmillan. Performed: 2017 Production: Australian Today’s context → concern over

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Ideas   Control of Information Rewriting of History – Winston’s job in the Ministry of Truth Government Propaganda Increasing chocolate rations to 20g when it was always 20g Always at war with a nation – to restrict what is given to the citizens, also to distract them from the movements of government, gives reason for govn to take their privacy in the name of security Change in who they are at war with and allied with different nations Parallels to the impending war of America and N Korea and also reaction to terrorist → people losing rights and privacy in name of security   O'Brien asks Winston what year it is BB says 2030 [or something like that] Winston believes its only 1984 Distortion of time hence distortion of reality   Futility of struggle against a totalitarian government The plot – he is given hope with a diary and a telescreen free room only to find out it was BB schemes against him ‘Oranges and Lemons’  nursery rhyme [motif] foreshadows their capture – ‘Here comes a candle to light you to bed; Here comes a chopper to chop of your head’    

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Techniques/Conventions + Examples   Sequence: Retelling of Winston's story through the reading of his diary by others Pauses in time distortion of reality: not real because time doesn't stop for people to have a chat overarching voice asking Winston questions foreshadowing of what Winston gets asked later and the situation he is actually in everything is happening in his head nothing is real because Winston isn't real   Unperson of Syme – the rewriting process - (structure) – repetition of scene 3 times 1st dodges janitor and server, sits down to listen to Mr Parsons bragging about his children 2nd runs into janitor and server but still continues his conversation with Parsons 3rd Syme is missing but scenes plays out without him   Bright flashing of lights with loud, piercing sound effects Reminds me of subliminal messaging Foreshadows scenes of Winston’s torture where similar effects are used Effect on the viewer shock, harsh, gets the heart racing to relate to how Winston is feeling   Indoctrination/Conditioning The invisible table (prop) every single character including Winston believes the table is longer the government can make you believe anything is real Chairs placed around it Janitor cleans it People – Maria and Syme – walk around it Martin rests his hand, holding a wine glass, on it Winston also does not question it – foreshadows he has been ‘brain washed’

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