Lottery Question


problem 1, lottery questions work and organisational psychology university maastricht 2014
Elliott Davis
Note by Elliott Davis, updated more than 1 year ago
Elliott Davis
Created by Elliott Davis almost 10 years ago

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Lottery Question

Kanfer et al Job search is " purposive volitional, self managed and dynamic pattern of actiity directed toward the goal of gaining employment"Suggests job search will change over unemployment it is effected by personal tendencies, current desire to earn employment, personal and social conditions. May change due to propensity to to get discouraged, change in employment goals, uncertainty & lack of support

Core self evaluationAKA positive self concept (feelings of self). 4 facets;1- self esteem2- self efficacy3- locus of control4- emotional stabilityTheory of planned behaviour TPBevolved from reasoned action theory.  Intention to perform a behaviour is immediate determinant of the behaviour. Behavioual intentions broadly capture the motivation to complete a behjaviour. Greater intention predicts that there is a greater chance of behaviour being performed and with greater intensity, intentions are predicted by;- subjective norms (how people closest feel)- attitude towards behaviourJob search efficacyBelief that one can successfully complete job search

Wanberg Study

convex trend for job search intensity (X (time) Y (intensity))  need to search through info, hear back from leads, if unsuccessful increases again.  Positive self concept help with persistance in the face of rejections.Suggested that councellers should promote individuals to beleive in themselves, recognise that they are in charge of their job search and that it will enventually pay of (locus of control), reduction of anxiety (exercise, food, support structure). 

Work charachteristicsJansens 4 categories of work characteristics & their operationalised definitions 1- work context                        --- task characteristics2- working condition               --- workload3- labour relations                   --- social support4- conditions of employment ---Unmet career                                                                        expectations3 psychological outcomes of work characteristics1- intrinsic work motiation2- emotional exaustion3- turnover intentionintrinsic work motivation - predicted by work content variables (skill variety and autonomy)Emotional exhaustion influenced by workload, time pressure, lack of social support and role stress. Exhaustion may also occur from lack of social support and conflict from these.Conservation of resources - perople strive to keep resources, and when these are lost/ threatend stress may occur, if not dealt with can lead to burnout. relates to social support. VERY IMPORTANT MODELTurnover intention, related to conditions of employment, low or absent career opportunities increase intention to quit.

Houkes studyChallenging work leads to intrinsic motivation both ST and LT.Job redesign will have both ST & LT, however salary increase only ST. Workload influences emotional exhaustion, negative relationship, people learn to cope. Unmet career expectations, people become disheartened think about leaving, put less effort in, feelings of uce rise... SFP.

Workaholism"Addiction to work, compulsion or need work incessantly" Oates. Different types of workaholism- enthusiastic- non enthusiasticboth have high work involvement and high desire to work, but n.e does not enjoy work.

Negative consequences;stress, perfectionism, health related problems, less likely to delegate work.more likely to suffer from burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation & reduced personal accomplishment --- trifecta of burnout) excessive work and associated stress may lead to this.

Why do workaholics do it?3 explanations;1- immense enjoyment of work tasks2- uncontrollable need despite little/momentary satisfaction ... this is viewed as obsessive compulsive personality. 3- Desire for emotional rush for recieving rewards of hard work. This desire may become so large it trumps over other aspects of life (addiction model)

Work behaviour modelWork situation- tasks rules regulations, materials, tools, workplace contacts, order in time.Individuial characteristics;stable - intelligencechangeable - motivationWork behaviour- external; stream of activities course of action- internal; cognitive processes, energetical processes, current processesIndividual outcomes- consequences relevant for individual, H&S, work experiences (i.e j sat) development of qualifications

Work centralitywork is a central aspect of life for most devloped countries, more important than leisure community and religion, second to only family. Winning lottery more likely to quit if lower educated, low status occupation, low job satisfaction. Arvey et al, 63% to continue full time work in same org, less likely to quit if high work centrality.UnemploymentTakes away;1- collective purpose2- shared experience3- structured experience of time4- status and identity5- regular activity    this is jahodas latent model of unemployment AND I SHOULD KNOW THIS

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