LA notes


nots for la
Ammon Johnson
Note by Ammon Johnson, updated more than 1 year ago
Ammon Johnson
Created by Ammon Johnson over 5 years ago

Resource summary

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How using social media affects teenagers talks about the problems of texting and social media

Page 2

Social media affects on our mental health talks about problems of social media and how to help with it

Page 3

The Negative Effects of Social Media on Adolescents pretty short and only gives four reasons but is relatable and understandable

Page 4

Ways social media affects teen mental health has good resources and tests by UCLA brain mapping center. proof. gives mental problems caused by social media and reasons for them

Page 5

Positive and negative influences on teenagers not many resources or facts/proof. gives reasons but doesn't back them up.

Page 6

Positive effects of social media on teenagers talks about the positive effects of social media and lists them. gives some proof , but it's outdated 68% of teenagers claim that social media provides them with support during difficult times 46% of teenage girls agree that social media empowers them to speak out about the things they care about 83% of teenagers say that social media makes them feel more connected to their friends

Page 7

Media influence on teens talks about influence of social media, but also says that a big part of influence is from friends and family. lots of teens also have addictions to social media.


Page 8

7 Negative effects of social media on people and users problems are :Social isolation, , Lower self-esteem, Poor concentration, Decreased activity, Sleep disruptions. says why this happens.

Page 9

The Negative Effects Of Social Media On Teens lists the negative effects of social media and what causes the effects. also gives proof and tests of social media on teens

Page 10

Benefits and Costs of Social Media in Adolescence gives good resources

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