Air Conditioning Types


Deciding what type of air conditioning systems to purchase can be exhausting for an inexperienced buyer. The conditioners come in various types with different functions, sizes, capacity ranges. As the alternatives are abundant, everybody can find an air conditioning types suitable for his use. For its capacity, we roughly categorize the types of air conditioner into three groups: for domestic use (residential), for commercial use (office), and industrial use.
James Darius
Note by James Darius, updated more than 1 year ago
James Darius
Created by James Darius over 5 years ago

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Air Conditioning Types Deciding what type of air conditioning systems to purchase can be exhausting for an inexperienced buyer. The conditioners come in various types with different functions, sizes, capacity ranges. As the alternatives are abundant, everybody can find an air conditioning types suitable for his use. For its capacity, we roughly categorize the types of air conditioner into three groups: for domestic use (residential), for commercial use (office), and industrial use. The ones for residential use come in the cooling capacity of 6000-20000 BTU (1.76-5.8 kW), while the same feature is between 12000-50000 BTU (3.5-14.65 kW) for the commercial types of air conditioning systems. However industrial types of air conditioning systems own the most significant cooling capacity of 30000+BTU (8.79+ kW). For the types of air conditioners, we again divide them into three categories: Monoblock, split, and multi-split air conditioning systems. Now we will share the information below to identify better which one suits best our needs. For more:  

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