Created by Estibaliz Martinez
over 10 years ago
THE INDUSTRIAL REGIONS OF THE WORLD United States, Japan and the European Union have high concentrations of industry which use advanced technology and have large markets for their products. Some regional powers, such as Russia, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the oil exporting countries owe their high levels of industrialisation to the exploitation of their abundant resources. Emerging countries in Asia, Such as China, South Corea and India or in Latin America , such as Brazil and Mexico, have developed industrially because of globalisation. Many multinational companies have transferred some of their factories to these countries to take advantage of lower labour costs and new markets. The least industrialised areas of the Earth are in developing countries., because of the lack of resources or the capital to exploit them.
The international division of the WorldA new international division of industrial work has been stablished.: Rich Countries: Conytrol production, technology, capital and decision-makind of companies. poor countries: provide cheap labour and fiscal and economic advantages to locate industries, in some cases higly-polluting ones.
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