The role of Government and other organistions in promoting Physical Activity


Note on The role of Government and other organistions in promoting Physical Activity, created by Tim Hodge on 08/02/2015.
Tim Hodge
Note by Tim Hodge, updated more than 1 year ago
Tim Hodge
Created by Tim Hodge about 10 years ago

Resource summary

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Federal Government Department of Health & Aging Improve the access to higher quality health services Help people stay healthy through health promotion and disease prevention Initiatives Healthy spaces and places program This website provides a range of information and initiatives on healthy eating, regular physical activity and overweight and obesity to assist all Australians to lead healthy and active lives. Healthy & Active Australia website for all practitioners and decision makers who are working within the built and natural environment, who can help tackle some of Australia’s major preventable health issues by – walking, cycling and using public transport – every day. Get set for life guide The Guide has been developed as an interactive guide that provides practical information to assist parents/carers to interact with their child in developing and reinforcing the importance of establishing healthy life habits. State Government Department of Health Enhance & protect health and well-being Fund and manage hospitals Develop public health interventions Initiatives Better Health Channel The BHC provides health and medical information that is quality assured, reliable, up to date, easy to understand, regularly reviewed and locally relevant. BHC does not have any advertising or sponsorship and is gully funded by the State Government of Victoria Go for your life strategic planning A resource for Primary Care Partnerships and health promotion funded agencies in Victoria for the planning of effective strategies to address healthy eating, physical activity/active play, and overweight and obesity among children. Vic Health Work in partnership with organisations, communities and individuals They have 6 roles Support other organisations to improve health Identify trends and emerging health issues Drive innovative programs Gather and interpret information Create and contribute to debate Respond to a dynamic external environment How VicHealth addresses different settings

National Heart Foundation Independent organisation Aim to Improve the heart health of Australians Reduce the disability and death rate from heart and blood vessel disease Promote and conduct research Promote behaviour beneficial to heart and blood vessel Health How the National Heart Foundation addresses different settings

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