Marketing Orientation


Marketing Orientation Note on Marketing Orientation, created by james.bowditch on 11/09/2013.
Note by james.bowditch, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by james.bowditch about 11 years ago

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1. Product Orientation"If we can make it, it will sell"Making whatever products are easiest to produce and then trying to sell themCustomers are there to purchase the organisations outputs rather than the organisation existing to serve customers needs2. Sales OrientationNo longer about production capability- its about beating the competition and winning customersA sales orientated organisation focus on selling due to increased competition Short term fixes and solutions are key3. Marketing Department OrientationBased on all marketing activity (new products, customer research, advertising, shipping and sales) being brought under the control of one department4. Marketing Organisation OrientationMarketing people develop long range plans The whole organisations efforts are guided by the marketing concept

What is Marketing?A business philosophyA management functionA management processA social processA social science

How can marketing orientation be recognized?Understanding customers needs/wants/behavioursProfit directed not volume driven organisationA CEO who is a marketing championAn organisation with a marketing driven missionMarketing is seen as the most important orientation by other managersManagers make use of marketing research in decision makingThere is a strong link between the marketing function and NPDAn understanding that marketing is the responsibility of the entire organisationThe marketing team are marketing professionals and not sales people

The benefits of a marketing orientated approach to businessCustomer value and competitive responseAn exchange processA philosophy of business and managerial functionA dynamic operation requiring analysis, planning and action

How can marketing orientation be developed?Secure top management supportAllocate a plan and resource to the development of marketing orientationSet up a task force to bring together managers from across the company Continuously monitor marketing performanceAre we easy to do business with?Do we keep our promises?Do we meet the standards we set?Are we responsive?Do we work together?

Factors which may make marketing orientation difficult to achieveLack of committed leadership and visionLack of customer knowledgeLack of infrastructure and technologyAutocratic leadershipConflict between marketing and other functionspreference for production or sales focusTransactional approach to business

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