Project Based Learning - Tree I.D.


This is an example of PBL or Project based learning in the classroom called Tree ID
Brad Hegarty
Note by Brad Hegarty, updated more than 1 year ago
Brad Hegarty
Created by Brad Hegarty about 10 years ago

Resource summary

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Tree I.D. Tree ID is a learning concept that was conducted at a Trail School in Pennsylvania using the Project Based Learning model. In this Note I am going to show you how the students were introduced to the concept and the tasks they subsequently carried out using Project Based Learning.

Step 1: Students were told that they were going to be broken up into teams and instructed to conduct research into the types of leaves they found in the area around their school. Each team of 5 students was given a laptop so that they could conduct research into the types of leaves they came across. The recorded this data using e-learning tools just like the ones here on ExamTime.

Step 2: Students were brought on a nature walk around their school. When they came across various leaves, they used their laptops to research the leaves and document their findings in Note form until they got back to the classroom. Once back at the classroom, students documented their findings and stored them using Flashcards.

Step 3: Once the students had documented their findings, they presented their work using Mind Maps and Flashcards to their classmates. Their classmates had to take notes as they were tested on what was presented to them afterwards. An example of how these Quizzes can be conducted is set out to the right with this Quiz being timed and containing multiple choice questions.

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