

History Note on History, created by cheachannary27 on 29/09/2013.
Note by cheachannary27, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cheachannary27 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

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Revolution - an event or a period of time when great changes takes place 

monarchy - ruled by one ruleranarchy - a situation in which there is no effective government in a country 

The Three Estates

The First Estate - Made of the clergy-Around 100 000 people -Archbishops, bishops, abbots, parish priests, monks and nuns-The leaders of the clergy -Paid no taxes -Supported the King because of the privileges 

The Second Estate-Made up of the nobles-Paid no taxesThe Third Estate-Largest population as it consist of everybody else in France-Paid heavy taxes

Tallie - A sort of income taxSeigneurial (feudal) tax - Paid to local landlord for using his mill to grind corn. Known as feudal duesCorvee (work) tax - For a few days each year they have to work on the upkeep of local roadsTithe - A tax paid to the churchGabelle - A tax on salt Aide -  A tax on a bottle of wine 


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