Post-colonialism and migration


Abitur ENGLISCH Note on Post-colonialism and migration, created by timo.bosselmann on 31/03/2015.
Note by timo.bosselmann, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by timo.bosselmann over 9 years ago

Resource summary

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Refers to the times after the British left the colonies after their rule over them did not necessarily lead to economic independence their independence often goes along with setting up functioning governments and individual freedom as well as a more or less classless society

General things: colonizers brought new traditions, values and beliefs British Empire came to an end after second world war many colonies became independent but stayed in the commonwealth these values and traditions were regarded as superior by the colonized -> caused a feeling of dsplacement and roolessness while being constantly reminded of their inferiority now after independece they faced the difficult task to recreate their own identity by bridging between their native traditions and the British ones workers after 2nd WW were needed so many people from the former colonies immigrated

India and Pakistan before Partition in 1947 the Raj ruled the Indian country under direct influence of the British Queen / King 1947 partition of India in India and Pakistan took place Partition:- Muslims want their own territory as they are constantly faced with discirmination and quarrels- partition led to riots and mass immigration many Hindus moved to nowadays India and many Muslims moved to nowadays Pakistan- many become homeless and extraordinarily poor- India and Pakistan quarrelled over two regions Jammu and Kashmir and the Maharaja of these states decided to join India although many of the people their were muslimstill existing tension between the two states

Migration and Britain

Modern British multcultural society: many people came to Britain with the hope of finding work and a better life big ethnic diversity in Britain which brings up the term "multicultural britain" many have a positive view on ethnic diversity others fear that "Britishness" will eventually be lost; they don't want to share values Second generation Immigrants:- children born to parents who immgrated to Britain - they often experience a clash of culture and racism among young people- outside their parents home they adopt the western lifestyle, at home they live according to old values and beliefs (+ traditions) of their parents' home countries; the transition between these two lifestyles is not easy; many feel themselves to be British- difficulties when it comes to living up to the expectations of parents, friends and teachers

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