Functional Analysis Conditions


This is meant to go with the flow chart and mind map to help map out the FA Conditions, and close this segment of RBT Training
Jacqueline Fontenot
Note by Jacqueline Fontenot, updated more than 1 year ago
Jacqueline Fontenot
Created by Jacqueline Fontenot over 4 years ago

Resource summary

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Attention Condition: Basic Set Up: client does not recieve attention. client recieves attention contingent upon aberrant Behavior typically therapist is busy with another task e.g. reading or writing. once problem behavior occures provide some sort of attention. where in escalation cycle does behavior occur? what are the precursors? actual aberrant behavior?

Tangible Condition: Basic Set Up: clinician deprives access to tangable item. provide tangible items contingent on abberrent behavior. Therapist provides attention non-contingently. has items out of reach. once AB occurs, ovide item.   where in the escalation cycle does behavior occur? what are precursors? actual abberrant Behavior?

Demand/Escape Condition: Basic Set Up: therapist provides client a different task. Once abb. behavior is displayed task stops. Therapist has to ensure that it is non preffered work. Prompt them through work. Short break between problem behavior and work. where in the escalation cycle does behavior occur? what are precursors? actual abberrant Behavior?

Alone Condition: Basic Set Up: child left alone in room child has nothing to do. nothing occures when problem behavior happens. Therapist must keep child safe. where in the escalation cycle does behavior occur? what are precursors? actual abberrant Behavior?  

Concerns with traditional FBA Model baviors in isolation behaviors co-occur safety undifferentiated results analogue conditions natural setting But: known to be precise evolution IISCA - informed interview synthasised contingency analysis Now called practical functional assesment. Components no descriptive asssesment no closed ended assessment use an open ended interview not using standard approach two conditions synthesize multiple contingencies open ended interview build rapport let person know they are experts on child questions what are the most concerning problematic behaviors? listen for establishing opperations analysis test condition control condition leads to effective treatment.  

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Next Step in Evolution Process The Big 4  attention Escape access/tangible automatic There are other functions control emotional responce Be proactive ach all the functions to clients teach prior to behavior. Reative tch all functions to clients conduct in moment assesment proceed based upon what function is occuring functions change moment to moment functions do co-occur role of RBT: ASSIST. Implement behavior reduction plan. Implement skill aquisition.

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