

GCSE R.E (Unit 3.2: Matters of Life and Death) Note on Abortion, created by nk_ on 12/10/2013.
Note by nk_, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by nk_ over 11 years ago

Resource summary

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Not fair on the baby if they're born with a disability that means that can't live a proper life or have a good quality of life. Not fair if the mother can't support the baby give it a good quality of life. If the mother can't love the baby because she didn't want it e.g.she was raped.

God said all life is sacred. Some people get abortions for reasons that aren't good enough. The foetus doesn't have a choice in whether it lives. Life starts at the moment of conception.

Abortion is legal if: The mother might become physical ill or die as a result of having the baby. The child may be born seriously disabled. The mother's family may suffer as a result of having the baby. The mother's mental health may be at risk. At least two doctors must agree that one of the above is in fact the case for an abortion to take place legally.

Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own imade, in the image of God he created him: male and female he created   them.Exodus 20:23 You shall not murder.Romans 14:8  If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we die to the the Lord, so whether we live or die we belong to the Lord.John 1:14 The word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, we have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only who come from the Father, full of grace and truth.

Sanctity of Life: The belief that life is sacred and belongs to God.Abortion: The removal of a foetus from the womb before it can survive.

A) Define:


No, because one of the commandments was to not murder and it must be followed because it is the Word of God. Abortion is murder and so can never be justified.No, because God said that all life is sacred. This means that abortion is wrong and if we allow it we are going against the Word of God.

Do you think an abortion can ever be justified?

C) Explain why Catholics believe abortion is wrong.

For & Against



A) & B)


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