Australia and the Great Depression


Year 9 History Note on Australia and the Great Depression, created by alexpatrickdunn on 21/10/2013.
Note by alexpatrickdunn, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alexpatrickdunn over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

- The Great Depression ended when World War 2 started- 32% of people in Australia were unemployed

- Slump in the price of food- People were willing to work for much less money

- Many people lost their houses because they could not afford thier rent

- Unemplyed men were constantly on the move who were often jailed or beaten up becuase they lived on the streets

- It was a global depression

 - Some who had jobs weren't affected by the depression

- US investors had lent lots of money to overseas

- England also lent lots of money especially to Australia for building projects such as roads, buildings and even the Harbor Bridge


- In less than 2 weeks, 30 billion dollars were lost from the value of American companies

- People demanded their money back from Australia

- English investors want their money back and they are not willing to negotiate - they wouldn't reduce interest rates

- Australian government stopped spending as much money which resulted in more unemployment

- Relationships sour between Australia and Britain

- Money dries up in Australian economy


- Heavy debt repayments and very little money for anything else

- Businesses have a hard time because people have no money to purchase goods which results in less tax being paid and therefore the government was getting less money

- Tens of thousands of people lose their jobs

- Those who retained their jobs were given lower wages in order to keep the job


- Australian unemployment rate: 30% (1 in 3 people)- Current unemplyment rate: 6%

- Some people made a lot of money out of the Depression


- The rich were able to buy property and loabour cheaply and therefore made more money.

- Upper class is protected by their social status and wealth


- Women had a fear of having more children

- Large decline in birthrate because women were afraid of getting pregnant and men were often away for work

- Chilren had to leave school - particularly children aged 12-14

- Hard to feed children and give them enough nutrition

- Ozlo lunch initiative - free lunch provided in school that included a piece of fruit and a slice of bread often with some vegemite

- Parents could not afford to buy clothes, shoes and books for kids to go to school

- People tried to keep their spirits up during the depression


- Strong sense of community

- Churches helped to support people- Communist party helped to stop eviction

- Political parties are formed


- Charity workers gave food, clothes and blankets 

- People exchanged and shared goods- Bartering system set up

- Men were ashamed of being unemployed they often wouldn't tell their families that they had lost their job and pretended to go to work each dat and spend the day looking for work- Community signing groups and radio stations could be joined

- Jack Lang: NSW Premier 1925 - 27 and 1930 - 32, enemy amongst conservatives and widespread criticism- He supported workers- Fired- Lost 1932 election

- Secret groups were formed in Australia with the mission to overthrow the government either through winning an election or by force - e.g in NSW there was the Old Guard and in Victoria there was the White Army

- These people were not extremists who throught they needed a change of government in order to escaoe the Great Depression

- People were worried about communism

- The Depression ended when WWII began in 1939


Economic Facts

Economic Disaster in Australia

Impacts on People

Charity and Community

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