AECT Notes


Notes from the AECT article. James 1:5 If anyone lacks wisdom, let Him ask of God who gives to all men liberally and upbraideth it not (does not scorn us for asking).
Melissa Perry
Note by Melissa Perry, updated more than 1 year ago
Melissa Perry
Created by Melissa Perry over 9 years ago

Resource summary

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Appropriate - simplest, most benign solution to a problem. Processes and resources: Keep it simple. The only drawback is, the "appropriate" materials must be effective and yield results. The definition has nothing to do with the content of materials (age-appropriateness for instance).Also exercises the concept of sustainability, having the least impact on the environment and able to reused for other generations.Technological - deals with the non-technological processes (planning, implementing instruction, decision-making) and resources (hardware, programs, software entailed in teaching). Processes - instructional development, using or managing resources Resources - the media, tools, etc. for learning (digital media, community resources, books, websites, etc.) Performance - creation, using, managing creation - creating an environment conducive to learning. This involves a variety of different settings as well as activities. There are different design approaches used in this. using - bringing learners into contact with learning conditions and resources. Begins with the selection of appropriate processes and resources (methods and materials). The selection can either be done by a learner or an instructor. managing - managing the delivery and organization of content presented to learners. This also includes program evaluation and quality control. (we only select certain materials for use at the Christian academy. We do not use secular materials or programs. However, we may incorporate games--mostly biblical).

AECT categories: commitment to the individual - protection of rights of access to materials, and efforts to protect the health and safety of professionals. commitment to society - truthful public statements regarding educational matters, fair and equitable practices. commitment to profession - improving professional knowledge and skill, giving accurate to ideas published (correct citations)

Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.In other words, educational technology is finding ways to improve learning and enhance performance (memory, output, implementation, active use) by using the appropriate technology resources. First, we must recognize that educational is broader than instructional technology as education encompasses a broader range of topics.

Definitions Study - in-depth research, gathering data, coming to conclusions, analyzing data, theorizing, forming connections, etc.In educational technology, the focus has shifted from teaching to learning. There is greater emphasis placed on learning styles, learner's perspectives, and preferences. "Taking ownership of your learning.""How can instruction be delivered?" (Technology and strategies)Ethics - not so much rules or laws as it is more of a practice. It is something that becomes a part of you. It is a new way to approach our strategies for instruction as well as way to evaluate those strategies.Facilitating - the shift from instructor control to learner ownership and responsibility is the cause for the emergence role of "facilitating" It has more of a support role, guiding role. Creating an environment where learning can occur easily.Free exploration of material rather than the "drill-and-practice" approach. Immersive environments, "problem space," and "cognitive tools."Also includes "design of the environment, organizing of resources, and the providing of tools."Learning - There are different styles of learning such as retention, understanding, active use, surface/deep learning. Computer-based instruction units (integrated learning systems) operate this way. There has been emphasis on active use learning--being able to put principles into practice. Like learning a language. One must be able to actively use the language, being anti-social with your language does not help anyway. Teachers are usually talking about "productive, active-use, deep learning"--being able to draw understanding off what was learned and use it effectively in real world or simulated situations.Immersive environments and cognitive tools created by technologists help design and use are created to guide learners, to make learning opportunities available, and to assist learners in finding the answers to their questions. Face-to-face instruction, however, may still take place, but the learner takes ownership of their learning.Learner guidance rather than controlling learners.Improving - Is your learning strategy effective or efficient enough to promote learning and improve performance? Improving how you get there.What is efficiency? Accomplishing a goal with the least wasted time, effort, and expense? Is my study time efficient? Am I making the most of my time? How am I using it?It depends on the goals being pursued. Though goals may be the same, getting there depends on individual needs, preferences, and perspectives.However, success is measured in not only retention and understanding but also application as opposed to taking assessment.

Teachers discover new tools and create new resources; learners can collect and locate their own resources; and educational technology specialists add to the growing list of possible resources as well.

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