Safety Precautions – working with ladder.


1 H&S Note on Safety Precautions – working with ladder., created by Josh Wienekus on 08/06/2022.
Josh Wienekus
Note by Josh Wienekus, updated more than 1 year ago
Josh Wienekus
Created by Josh Wienekus almost 3 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

Check the load rating that is marked on the stepladder. The rating should cover the person’s weight and the weight of tools that will be used. Use a stepladder that is about 1 m shorter than the highest point you have to reach.  Do not use a ladder that has cracks, lose or corroded rivets, defective braces, or parts (including the slip resistant feet) that are in poor condition. Make sure it is free of grease or oil or other slippery substances. Open the stepladder spreaders and shelf fully and lock the braces. Check stability. Ensure that all ladder feet are on a firm, level and non-slippery surface. Place a stepladder at right angles to the work, with either the front or back of the steps facing the work. Keep the stepladder close to the work. Lock Spreader Avoid pushing or pulling stepladders from the side. Repeated sideways movement can make ladders wobbly since they are weaker or less stable in those directions. Face the stepladder when climbing up or down. Keep your body centered between side rails. You have climbed too high if your knees are above top of the stepladder or if you cannot maintain a handhold on the ladder. Maintain a firm grip. Use both hands when climbing.

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