Created by conorpahalpin
over 11 years ago
An element is a substance that cannot be split up into simpler substances by chemical means
All known elements are listed on the periodic table of elements
An element is a substance that cannot be split up into simpler substances by chemical means
All known elements are listed on the periodic table of elements
MOST COMMON ELEMENTSCopper- Cu Carbon- CZinc- Zn Oxygen- OAluminium-Al Sulfur- SIron- Fe Hydrogen- HSilver- Ag Nitrogen- NGold- Au
A compound is a substance that is made up of two or more different elements combined together chemically
Examples of compounds include:Water- Hydrogen and OxygenSalt- Sodium and ChlorineSand- Silicon and Oxygen
A mixture consists of two or more different substances mingled with each other but not chemically combined
Examples of mixtures include:Air- Oxygen and other gasesSea water- Water and saltEarth- Stones, sand, clay
Differences between mixtures and compounds: Amounts of substances in a mixture can vary Mixtures contain two or more separate substances. Mixtures have similar properties to the substances in the mixture Substances in the mixture can be easily separated. Little energy changes occur when a mixture is made
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