Unit 1) Word Forms 詞類變化, 以句中空格的位置來判斷答案該選的詞性


這種題目的四個答案選項會是同一個字的不同變化,如Produce, product, production, productive,測驗重點是讓讀者判斷在空格裡,就文法而言應該選哪個答案才對. 解題重點: 此種題目的解題祕訣不在於對單字的記憶,而在於兩個重點: 1. 就文法而言,此處應該用何種詞性的字? 2. 就字的拼法而言,那些固定字母的組合會是我們需要的詞性?
Lai Hsiang-Su
Note by Lai Hsiang-Su, updated more than 1 year ago
Lai Hsiang-Su
Created by Lai Hsiang-Su over 8 years ago

Resource summary

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1. 若空格在下列位置,答案選名詞N (粗體是答案,斜體是條件)句首當主詞Dog make good pets.在一個動詞或介係詞(into)後面當受詞Jessica likes MichaelPoisonous chemicals got into the water supply.在冠詞a/an, the或所有格(my, Dave's等), 數量詞(some, any等),數字的後面Kevin had a hamburger for lunch.在形容詞的後面The girl is wearing red shoes.在另一個名詞的前面或後面We live in a brick house. <- house是名詞

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2. 若空格在下列位置,答案選動詞V (粗體是答案,斜體是條件)在主詞的後面We eat dinner at six.在to的後面I like to play basketball.在助動詞(will, can, could, should, must, may, might等後面)You must obey your parents.在副詞的前面or後面The dog barked loudly. <- loudly是副詞The number slowly increased. <- slowly是副詞主詞以外的名詞前面We still have a lot of work to do. <- a lot of work是名詞

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3. 若空格在下列位置,答案選形容詞Adj. (粗體是答案,斜體是條件)在名詞前面Mary is a good student.在副詞後面The puppy is really cute在連綴動詞look, sound, smell, taste, feel的後面The coffee smells delicious.在make + 受詞後面Wine makes me sleeply

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4. 若空格在下列位置,答案選副詞Adv. (粗體是答案,斜體是條件)在動詞的前面or後面John rarely eats fish. <- eat是動詞She left early. <- left是動詞句首或句尾Suddenly, he appeared. = He appeared suddenly.形容詞前面He is extremely nervous. <- extremely是副詞, nervous是形容詞

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