English fast and easy 1


Useful Phrases for work and everyday life
Xin Rou
Note by Xin Rou, updated more than 1 year ago
Xin Rou
Created by Xin Rou over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Page 1

1. Keep going - continue.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Can I stop running?"B : "No, keep going. You need the exercise."A : "Should we stop working at 6 o'clock?"B : "No, let's keep going until 8 o'clock."

2. Mr. - Mr.Lee NOT Mr.Alan.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I'm Bill Jones."B : "Nice to meet you Mr.Jones."A : "I'd like you to meet Don Clinton."B : "Hello Mr.Cinton."

3. Drop by - visit for a short time.MORE EXAMPLESYou left your book in my car. I'll drop by your house and give it to you.I dropped by the camera store to get our photographs.

4. Can I put you on hold ? - Please wait. Ask this during a phone call.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Can I speak to the manager?"B : "Can I put you on hold for a minute? I'll see if he's here."A : "Hello, ABC Food Shop? Do you sell brown sugar?"B : "Can I put you on hold while I go and check?"

5. In charge of - responsible for ; supervisor of.MORE EXAMPLES"He's in charge of training new staff.""I'd like to speak to the person in charge of customer service."NOTE : sometimes in charge of + _ing.

6. Running short of time - getting close to a deadline.MORE EXAMPLES"I have to work late tonight. I need to finish a project, and I'm running short of time.""I'd like to finish this meeting soon. Let's move on to the next point because we're running short of time."

Page 2

1. Get a move on - go faster.MORE EXAMPLES"The movie is going to start soon. Let's get a move on or we will be late.""We have to get a move on if we want to finish by Wednesday."

2. That's K for Korea - Say this to help people understand the spelling of a word.MORE EXAMPLESA : "What's your email address?"B : "It's alan76@msn.com. That's A for Africa, L for London, A for Africa, N for Norway, the number 76, at msn dot com.""My address is 22 Elm Street. That's E for England, L for London, M for Mexico."

3. How can I help you? - This is often used when answering the phone in a workplace.MORE EXAMPLES"Good afternoon. ABC Marketing. How can I help you ?""IMG Computers. This is Sudha speaking. How can I help you?"

4. It's for you - the caller wants to speak to you.MORE EXAMPLES"Could you ask Harry to come to the phone? It's for him. It's his mother."A : "The phone is ringing."B : "I'll get it. I think it's for me."

5. in an hour - one hour after now. NOT an hour later ; NOT after one hour.MORE EXAMPLES"She hasn't arrived yet. She'll be here in 10 minutes.""He is almost finished school. He will graduate in a few months."

6. ahead of / on / behind schedule - faster than planned / as planned 准时 / slower than planned.MORE EXAMPLES"Please drive faster. We are behind schedule."A : "How's the project coming along?"B : "Fine. Everything is on schedule."

Page 3

1. tied up - busy doing something that you can't stop.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Can we meet today?"B : "Sorry, I'll be tied up all day. How about tomorrow?""I'm tied up now, but I'll be free this afternoon."

2. When is a good time? - When is a convenient time for you? MORE EXAMPLES"I have some papers for you to sign. When is a good time to meet with you?"A : "Can we meet next week?"B : "Sure. When is a good time for you?"A : "How about Friday at 10 A.M.?"

3. held up - delayed.MORE EXAMPLES"I was held up at the airport for two hours! Customs officials opened all my bags.""I got home late tonight. I was held up at the office. I had a lot of paperwork."

4. move something out of the way - move something so that it doesn't block you.MORE EXAMPLES"We're having a party so I want to move the furniture out of the way.""There are a lot of things on your desk. If you move them out of the way, I'll put your computer there."

5. upside down / right side up - with the top part at the bottom / with the top part at the top.MORE EXAMPLES"Look ! That picture is upside down. You hung it the wrong way.""There's a cake in this box. Please hold the box right side up."

6. no wonder - now I understand why.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Why is he so sad?"B : "His wife just died."A : "Oh. No wonder he's sad."A : "This computer doesn't work."B : "The monitor isn't connected."A : "Oh. No wonder it doesn't work!"

Page 4

1. on me - say this if you want to pay for someone's food or drink.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Lunch is on me today."B : "Thanks Jack."A : "It's my pleasure."A : "I'll pay for our drinks."B : "No, the drinks are on me today."

2. stuck in traffic - in a traffic jam.MORE EXAMPLES"Sorry I'm late. I was stuck in traffic for an hour.""Don't drive downtown at rush hour. You'll be stuck in traffic."

3. it slipped my mind - I forgotMORE EXAMPLESA : "Did you mail my letter?"B : "Oh, it slipped my mind. I'll do it tomorrow.""I planned to meet Fred last night but I forgot. It slipped my mind."

4. under a lot of pressure - feeling stressMORE EXAMPLES"We are under a lot of pressure because we have to finish this job by Friday.""Students are under a lot of pressure at exam time."

5. drop something off - take something to a place and leave it there.MORE EXAMPLES"I'm going to the dry cleaners. I want to drop off some shirts."A : "Don't stay and talk. Just drop off the gift and leave."B : "Okay. I'll just drop it off."NOTE : drop something off, drop off something, drop it off, NOT drop off it.

6. Have you done something yet? - Ask this to find out if something has already happened.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Have you eaten lunch yet?"B : "Yes, I just finished my lunch."A : "Have you been to the post office yet?"B : "No, not yet. I'm going now."

Page 5

1. get through - make contact with someone by phone.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I tried to call you but I couldn't get through."B : "Sorry. I turned off my hand phone.""Don't phone the bank at lunchtime. They are so busy. It's difficult to get through."

2. put up with something - accept something bad.MORE EXAMPLES"Your neighbor's dog is so noisy! How can you put up with the noise?""My office is so small, but I put up with it because I love my job."

3. right away - immediately ; now.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Waiter! I ordered soup 30 minutes ago!"B : "I'm sorry, Sir. I'll bring it right away."A : "The client is waiting. He needs the report."B : "I'll get it right away."

4. x caused y / y was caused by x - x made y happen / y happened because of x.MORE EXAMPLESA : "What caused the delay?"B : "Heavy rain caused the delay."A : "The goods are damaged!"B : "The damage was caused by the shipping department."

5. it's not the end of the world - the situation is not very bad.MORE EXAMPLES"I hurt my knee, but it's not the end of the world. I can still play golf."A : "I failed my driving test!"B : "It's not the end of the world. You can take the test again."

6. in the same boat - in the same bad situation.MORE EXAMPLESA : "My husband is often away on business trips."B : "So is mine! We're in the same boat.""We all lost money last year. We're all in the same boat

Page 6

1. I'm not following you - Say this if you don't understand instructions, directions or an explanation.MORE EXAMPLESA : "To save the documents, click on 'copy' then open a new file and click..."B : "I'm not following you. Click on what?"A : "He's not unfriendly, he's just not friendly."B : "I'm not following you."

2. get cut off - lost the connection during a telephone call.MORE EXAMPLES"There's something wrong with my phone. I often get cut off.""I was talking to Lee and we suddenly got cut off."

3. have change - have smaller units of money.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Do you have change for $10?"B : "Yes, here are nine ones and some small change."A : "Your coffee is $2."B : "Here's a 50 dollar bill."A : "Sorry. I don't have change for fifty dollars."NOTE : small change = coins ; bill = paper money.

4. distance from a place - say this to show the distance between two places.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Where's Newcastle, Australia?"B : "I think it's about 100 kilometers from Sydney.""Our office is about 30 meters from City Bank."

5. the second to last - the thing before the last thing.MORE EXAMPLES "We went to Bangkok for a week. We had a great time. But on the second to last day, I got sick."A : "Which is your house?"B : "The second to last house on the street."

6. comes in - is available in. Say this to show the different ways you can buy something.MORE EXAMPLES"This phone comes in blue, white or black. Which one should I buy?""Instant soup comes in a plastic cup. And it comes in two flavors: chicken and beef."

Page 7

1. I'd like - This is a polite way to say what you want. NOT I want.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I'd like a ticket to Station City please."B : "One-way or a round-trip ticket?"A : "Can I help you?"B : "Yes, I'd like to send this package to Jakarta."NOTE : on a round-trip ticket , you go somewhere and return.

2. I've been waiting for a long time - Say this for something you are still doing now. NOT I am waiting a long time.MORE EXAMPLES"I hope we arrive soon. We've been sitting in this airplane for seven hours!""Please wake up the baby. He's been sleeping for three hours."NOTE : I've = I have ; he's = he has.

3. make up my mind - decideMORE EXAMPLESA : "Are you going to buy the blue car or the green car?"B : "I don't know. I haven't made up my mind.""He finally made up his mind. He's going to study business."

4. two weeks ago - two weeks before now. NOT two weeks before ; NOT before two weeks.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I got married this week."B : "When?"A : "Three days ago.""He left the office five minutes ago. You just missed him."

5. cheers

6. discuss something - NOT discuss about something.MORE EXAMPLES"We need to discuss the travel arrangements.""We can discuss the situation at the meeting."

Page 8

1. stay up - stay awake later than the usual bedtime.MORE EXAMPLESA : “Why are you so tired today?"B : "I stayed up late last night.""My husband often works late. I always stay up until he gets home."

2. oversleep - wake up later than planned.MORE EXAMPLES"I'm late for work this morning because I overslept.""I use three alarm clocks so that I never oversleep."

3. about to do something - going to do something very soon.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Is Mr.Raja still here?"B : "Yes, but you'd better talk to him now. He's about to leave."A : "Have you written that letter yet?"B : "Not yet but I'm about to do it right now."

4. on my way - going to a place - but not at the place yet.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Did you call the police?"B : "Yes, they're on their way. They will be here in a minute."A : "When will Daddy be home?"B : "Very soon. He's on his way home now."

5. get sidetracked - become distracted from something important.MORE EXAMPLESA : "How did you burn the dinner?"B : "When I was cooking, my sister phoned and I got sidetracked. I forgot about the dinner.""I didn't finish my homework. There was a good movie on TV, so I got sidetracked."

6. gone for the day - Say this when someone will not come back that day.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Could I speak to Mr.Couga?"B : "Sorry, he's gone for the day. He will be in the office tomorrow morning.""Kate's gone for the day. Try calling her on her handphone."

Page 9

1. in the lighting business - Say this to show the industry someone works in.MORE EXAMPLES"Mr. Saito is in the shoe business. He exports shoes."A : "What do you do?"B : "I'm in the construction business. I'm an engineer."NOTE : What do you do? = What is your job?

3. that's it - nothing more.MORE EXAMPLESA : "You're going to China! To Beijing? Shanghai? Qingdao?"B : "Only to Beijing. That;s it."A : "We must finish this project in three days."B : "Only three days? That's it?"A : "Yes, that's it."

2. a win-win situation - a situation that has good results in many ways.MORE EXAMPLES"Buying a house is a win-win situation. If you sell it, you make money. If you keep it, you make money.""I rent a room in my brother's house. He needs the extra money. I need a room. It's a win-win situation."

4. it's about time - it is overdue, but it is finally happening.MORE EXAMPLESA : "The package arrived."B : "It's about time! I've been waiting for three weeks!"A : "Ashok is getting married."B : "Great. It's about time. He's 46 years old."

5. get it - answer the phone.MORE EXAMPLESA : "The phone's ringing."B : "I'll get it. I think it's for me."A : "The phone's ringing."B : "Could you get it? I'm busy."

6. pick something up - collect something.MORE EXAMPLES"I left my book at your house. Could I pick it up tonight?"A : "I'm from ABC Company. I'm here to pick up an envelope."B : "Oh, yes, here it is."NOTE : pick something up, pick up something, pick it up, NOT pick up it.

Page 10

1. Can I take a rain check ? - Can we change the plan to another time in the future?MORE EXAMPLESA : "I have to cancel our lunch plan today. Can I take a rain check?"B : "Sure. How about tomorrow?"A : "Would you like to go out for dinner together?"B : "Sorry, I can't tonight. Can I take a rain check

2. take time off - decide not to go to work for a short time.MORE EXAMPLES"I took two months off after I had the baby.""I'm going to take a week off because I need a vacation."

3. on top of that - in addition ; also. Say this when the last piece of information is important.MORE EXAMPLES"My neighbor is noisy. He plays loud music at night and he has a lots of parties. On top of that, his dog barks a lot!""I'm very busy. I have two children, I work full-time, and on top of that I go to night school."

4. put clothes on - This is not the same as 'wear' clothes: first we put clothes on; then we are wearing clothes. 脱衣MORE EXAMPLES'"I ate breakfast quickly, put on my jacket and ran out of the house.""He's only two years old. He can't put his shoes on by himself."NOTE : put something on, put on something, put it on, NOT put on it.

5. I didn't mean that - Say this when someone does not understand what you said. NOT That's not my meaning.MORE EXAMPLESA : "You're very big."B : "You think I'm fat?"A : "No, I didn't mean that. I meant you're very tall."A : "I want you to work on the weekend."B : "Boss, I can't work every weekend!"A : "I didn't mean that. I meant this weekend."

6. Do you mind if I join you ? - Ask this for permission to be with someone.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I'm going for lunch."B : "Do you mind if I join you?"A : "No, I don't mind. Please come along."A : "Hi Jane. Do you mind if I join you?"B : "Actually, I'm leaving now, but you can have my seat."

Page 11

1. chip in - share the cost of a group activity.MORE EXAMPLES"Every summer, my friends and I chip in $100 each to rent a boat.""My older brothers and sisters chipped in to pay for my education."

2. drop someone off - take someone to a place and leave them there.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Could you drop me off at the bank?"B : "Sure, I'm going to drive right past the bank."A : "Why are you late?"B : "I dropped Mary off at her house. Her car broke down."

3. What's the difference between X and Y? - How are X and Y different?MORE EXAMPLESA : "What's the difference between the words 'large' and 'big' ?"B : "There's no difference."A : "What;s the difference between these two handphones?"B : "One has a digital camera and the other one doesn't."

4. end up doing something - finally do something.MORE EXAMPLES"Tim was a bad student. How did he end up becoming a doctor?""At first business was good. But our costs were very high. So, we ended up losing money."

5. you shouldn't have - Say this to show appreciation when receiving a gift.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I bought you this gift."B : "Thank you so much, but you shouldn't have."A : "It's nothing really."A : "A gift for me? You shouldn't have."B : "My pleasure."NOTE : "It's nothing" and "my pleasure" = polite replies to "thank you".

6. the day after tomorrow - NOT tomorrow after tomorrow.MORE EXAMPLES"Tomorrow is July 3rd so the day after tomorrow is July 4th."A : "I'm getting married in three days!"B : "So the day after tomorrow is your last day as a single man."

Page 12

1. take turns doing something - alternate (i.e. you, then me, then you, then me)MORE EXAMPLES"My partner and I take turns opening the shop.""Last year, my husband and I both worked so we took turns cooking dinner."

2. remind someone to - say something to help someone remember.MORE EXAMPLES"Could you remind Miss Yip to order printer ink? I think she forgot.""When we get to the supermarket, please remind me to buy some eggs."

3. fed up with something - unhappy about something that has been happening for a long time.MORE EXAMPLES"They're building a supermarket near my house. I'm fed up with all the noise.""I don't like my job. I'm fed up with paperwork."NOTE : paperwork = work that involves forms, documents and letters.

4. as long as - on the condition that; providing that.MORE EXAMPLES"We play football every Sunday morning as long as it's not raining."A : "Boss, I'd like to leave at 4 o'clock today."B : "That's fine as long as you finish the report first."

5. good at something - able to do something well.MORE EXAMPLES"My father is very good at golf but my mother isn't.""Could you help me write this letter? I'm not very good at writing in English."NOTE : sometimes good at + _ing

6. so far, so good - it is fine now, but there may be problems later on.MORE EXAMPLESA : "You fixed the printer again! How's it working?"B : "So far, so good. I hope it doesn't break again."A : "How's your new job?"B : "I've only worked there for three days but so far, so good."

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1. that sounds - Say this to give your opinion after reading or hearing something.MORE EXAMPLESA : "We stayed in a five-star hotel right on the beach."B : "That sounds beautiful."A : "I'm going to climb up on the roof and fix it."B : "That sounds dangerous!"

2. you're not allowed to do something - doing something is not permitted.MORE EXAMPLES"You're not allowed to smoke in this building.""I can't work in the USA because I don't have a work permit. You're not allowed to work without a permit."NOTE : In spoken English, "you" can mean "everyone".

3. despite something - not affected by something.MORE EXAMPLES"He goes jogging every day despite having a broken arm.""The company did well this year despite poor sales in March."NOTE : sometimes despite + _ing

4. as a result - consequently; as an effect.MORE EXAMPLES"My brother left school when he was 14. As a result, he can't get a good job.""It rained a lot last year. As a result, the roads are in bad condition."

5. Do you know where Mr. Smith is? - NOT Do you know where is Mr. Smith ?MORE EXAMPLESA : "Do you know where the museum is?"B : "I think it's near Bedford Station."A : "Terri, do you know where my handphones is?"B : "I have no idea."

6. sorry to interrupt - Say this when you want to talk to someone who is already speaking.MORE EXAMPLES"Sorry to interrupt, but Mr. Marco wants to see you right now."A : "Tuesday is a holiday so..."B : "Sorry to interrupt. Wednesday is a holiday, not Tuesday."A : "Oh, yes. You're right."

Page 14

1. in good condition / in perfect condition - not broken / like new.MORE EXAMPLES"My car is in perfect condition because I take good care of it.""My house was in bad condition. The roof was leaking. But I fixed it. Now it's in good condition."

2. he just stepped out - he went out for a short time.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Could I speak to Eva?"B : "She just stepped out of the office. She'll be back soon."A : "Fred's not in his office. Did he go home?"B : "No, he just stepped out."

3. I'll put you through - I will connect you.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Could I speak to Mr. Lim?"B : "He's not here right now. I'll put you through to his secretary."A : "I'd like to speak to the manager."B : "One moment please. I'll put you through."

4. there's been a delay - Say this when something is late.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Has the package arrived yet?"B : "No, there's been a delay because of bad weather.""There's been a delay in production. One of the machines broke down."

5. for good - forever ; permanently.MORE EXAMPLES"There were ants in my kitchen. But after I used ant killer, they were gone for good.""I've tried to stop smoking before, but this time I'm stopping for good."

6. hear from someone - receive communication from someone.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I heard from Jack last week. He emailed me."B : "Oh. How is he?""I haven't heard from my sister for a long time. I hope she's okay."

Page 15

1. that's too bad - When someone tells you bad news, say this to show that you care.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I didn't get that job."B : "That's too bad. But I'm sure you'll get one soon."A : "Our computer system has been down for five days!"B : "That's too bad."NOTE : down = not working.

4. I heard it through the grapevine - someone told me something as gossip or a rumor.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Sammy lost his job."B : "Who told you that?"A : "I heard it through the grapevine."A : "Are you sure the company is closing?"B : "No, I'm not sure. I heard it through the grapevine."

5. hear back from someone - receive a reply from someone.MORE EXAMPLES"I emailed Azlan yesterday. I hope to hear back from him soon."A : "Did you get the job?"B : "No, I had an interview but I never heard back from the company."

2. What's this charge for? - Ask this when you don't understand an amount on your bill or receipt.MORE EXAMPLESA : "What's this charge for?"B : "That's a 5% service charge."A : "Excuse me. What's this charge for on my receipt?"B : "It's the tax."

3. to someone / something - When people drink together, they say this to wish success to someone or something.MORE EXAMPLES(at a wedding) "To the bride and groom!"(at a gathering of friends) "To friendship!"(at a business dinner) "To our new partnership!"

6. really like / really enjoy / really want - NOT very like / NOT very enjoy / NOT very want.MORE EXAMPLES"Abdul, I really enjoyed your presentation today.""I really like my English class. I really want to improve my writing."

Page 16

1. better off doing something - Say this to show a better choice.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Should we go now?"B : "No. There's too much traffic now. We're better off going later."A : "The train takes three hours. The bus takes five hours."B : "Then I'm better off taking the train."

2. the second one from the right / left - the thing beside the thing on the right / left.MORE EXAMPLES"This is a photograph of my family. I'm the second one from the right.""Please pass me that book on the shelf, the second one from the left."

3. Are we still on for something ? - Are we going to meet at the time that we already planned? Ask this to confirm an arrangement.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Are we still on for tonight?"B : "Yes John. Let's meet at the cinema at 7 P.M."A : "Are we still on for lunch next Thursday?"B : "Actually, I have to cancel. I have a meeting on Thursday."

4. they say - some people say. Say this when you hear something, but it's not important who said it.MORE EXAMPLES"They say boys are better at science than girls."A : "The economy is bad this year."B : "Yes, but they say it will get better soon."

5. go ahead - do it. Say this if you want someone to start or do something.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Do you mind if I have the last biscuit?"B : "Go ahead. I've had enough."A : "I'd like to begin the meeting now."B : "Okay, everyone's here, so go ahead."

6. in a good mood / in a bad mood - feeling happy / feeling unhappy.MORE EXAMPLESA : "The boss looks angry."B : "He's in a bad mood because sales are down this week."A : "You're in a good mood today."B : "Yes, I am! Tomorrow's a holiday!"

Page 17

1. run into - meet someone unexpectedly.MORE EXAMPLES"I ran into Michael Chee at the airport. I was arriving from Seoul, and he was on the way to China.""Sometimes I run into Mohamed at the bank. We both go on Mondays."

2. I can't get something to work - I can't make something function.MORE EXAMPLES"I've pressed all the buttons on this DVD player, but I can't get it to work.""I can't get my printer to work. There's something wrong with it."

3. take it apart / put it back together - dismantle it / assemble it.MORE EXAMPLESA : "What's wrong with the air conditioner?"B : "I don't know. I'll take it apart and look inside.""I took my computer apart to repair it, and now I can't put it back together."

4. this is Jenny - Say this to identify yourself on the phone. NOT I am Jenny.MORE EXAMPLESA : "May I speak to the manager?"B : "This is the manager speaking. How can I help you ?"A : "Can I speak to Mr. Daw?"B : "Can I ask who's calling?"A : "This is Mary from ABC Company."

5. by 9 - at 9 o'clock or before 9 o'clock - but not after 9:00.MORE EXAMPLES"We need to be at the airport by 3 o'clock. Our flight leaves at 4 o'clock and we need one hour to check in.""I need those papers by 5 o'clock at the latest."

6. What do you think about doing something ? - NOT How do you think about.MORE EXAMPLESA : "What do you think about moving to a bigger house?"B : "Good idea! We need more room."A : "What do you think about buying a new car?"B : "I think we should wait until next year."

Page 18

1. we don't see eye to eye - This is a polite way to say we don't agree.MORE EXAMPLES"Steven loves the movie. Mary-Ann hates it. They don't see eye to eye on the movie.""We both agree on the problem. But we don't see eye to eye on the solution."

2. on sale / for sale - cheaper than the regular price / available to buy.MORE EXAMPLES"Hats are on sale at Shopmart this week. They are 20% off.""Our house is for sale. We want to buy a bigger house."NOTE : 20% off = 20% less than the regular price.

3. What's something made off ? - What materials were used to make something?MORE EXAMPLESA : "What are these shoes made of?"B : "They're genuine leather."A : "What's this table made of?"B : "It looks like glass but it's made of plastic."

4. it's worth $199 - its real value is $199.MORE EXAMPLES""Gold is worth more than silver."A : "She is selling her car for $12,000! That price is too low!"B : "How much is it worth?"A : "It's worth $20,000!"

6. what if - what will happen if. Ask this when you are worried about something that might happen.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I don't have medical insurance."B : "What if you get sick?"A : "Let's have the party outside."B : "What if it rains?"A : "If it rains, we can move inside."

5. plug something in - connect something to an electrical power point.MORE EXAMPLES"I'll plug in the new TV so we can watch it.""You can plug the iron in here. Please unplug it when you're finished."NOTE : unplug = remove the plug from the power point.NOTE : plug something in, plug in something, plug it in, NOT plug in it.

Page 19

1. let / made - allowed / forced. NOT let me to go; NOT made me to run.MORE EXAMPLES"The teacher let us go home early today. Yesterday she made us stay late."A : "My company makes us wear uniforms."B : "That's too bad. My company lets us wear jeans."

2. look something up - find a piece of information in a book or on the internet.MORE EXAMPLESA : "How did you get my phone number?"B : "I looked it up in the phone book.""I need the hotel's address. Could you look up the address on the Internet?"NOTE : look something up, look up something, look it up, NOT look up it.

3. get rid of something - make something go away ; eliminate something.MORE EXAMPLESA : "You bought a new car?"B : "Yes, we got rid of our old car. We sold it.""You can get rid of a toothache by putting ice on it."

4. must have done something - Say this when you guess about something that happened in the past, and you are quite sure.MORE EXAMPLES"I knocked on Nori's door but she didn't answer. She must have gone out.""Look! There's $20 on the floor. Someone must have dropped it."

5. shoot - This is a way to show anger or frustration.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Have you seen Kumar?"B : "He's gone out for lunch."A : "Oh, shoot! I really need to talk to him.""Shoot! I just slipped coffee on my shirt."

6. Could you tell me where something is ? - NOT Could you tell me where is something?MORE EXAMPLESA : "Could you tell me where the manager's office is?"B : "It's on the second floor."A : "Could you tell me where the nearest petrol station is?"B : "There's a petrol station on Bank Street."

Page 20

1. don't mention it - This is a polite response when someone thanks you.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Here's your umbrella. You forgot it."B : "Oh, thank you!"A : "Don't mention it."A : "Thanks for mailing those letters for me."B : "Don't mention it."

2. Would you mind doing something ? - Ask this to make a very polite request. NOT Would you mind to.MORE EXAMPLES"Would you mind moving your car? I want to park here."A : "Sir, would you mind not smoking here?"B : "Oh, sorry. I'll smoke outside."

3. sold out - all sold so that there is no more.MORE EXAMPLES"We couldn't go to the show because the tickets were sold out.""The fish was sold out at the market so I bought chicken."

4. half-way through - Say this when you have finished 50% of something.MORE EXAMPLES"This book is 1,000 pages long! I'm half-way through. I'm on page 500.""He's half-way through his course. It's a two-year course and he just finished the first year."

5. how much longer - how much more time.MORE EXAMPLESA : "She hasn't finished the job yet."B : "How much longer will it take?"A : "How much longer do you need to cook dinner? I'm hungry."B : "Another 10 minutes. I'm almost finished."

6. take the highway - go on the highway.MORE EXAMPLESA : "How do I get to your house?"B : "Take Elm Street to City Mall. Then take the fly-over. You will see my street on your left.""Don't take Main Street at rush hour. You'll be stuck in traffic."

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1. double-check - check again when you are not sure about something.MORE EXAMPLES"I think Ken's party is tomorrow night, but I'm not sure. I'll call him to double-check."A : "Are you sure there are no mistakes in the report?"B : "Yes, I checked and then I double-checked."

2. a bad connection - an unclear phone connection.MORE EXAMPLES"This is a bad connection. I can't hear you very well. Could you repeat that?""My battery is low so we have a bad connection."

3. in that case - because of the thing you just said. Say this when you must change something because you get new information.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Waiter, I'd like an apple juice, please."B : "Sorry. We don't sell juice."A : "In that case, I'll have a tea."A : "Jack can't come to the meeting today."B : "In that case, let's meet tomorrow."

4. Where is something held ? - Ask this to learn the location of an event.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Last night we went to my son's graduation ceremony."B : "Where was it held?"A : "At the Hinton Hotel."A : "I take a painting class every Tuesday."B : "Where is it held?"A : "It's held at the College of Art."

5. it doesn't matter - it is not important.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I forgot to mail your letter. Sorry."B : "It doesn't matter. It wasn't urgent."A : "Where shall we have lunch?"B : "It doesn't matter to me. You decide."

6. I might - It's possible that I will. NOT Maybe I will.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Why are you bringing your umbrella? It's not raining."B : "It might rain later."A : "Are you going to buy that car?"B : "I might. I'm thinking about it."

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1. Is this seat taken? - This is polite to ask before sitting beside a stranger.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Excuse me. Is this seat taken?"B : "No, you can sit here."A : "Is this seat taken?"B : "Yes, sorry. I'm saving it for someone."

2. play it by ear - do something without a plan.MORE EXAMPLESA : "What movie should we see?"B : "Let's play it by ear. Let's go to the cinema first, and then choose a movie.""Don't plan your holiday. Play it by ear. Decide what to do when you get there."

3. set up - establish ; start.MORE EXAMPLES"I work for a company, but next year I hope to set up my own business.""I'm a computer programmer. I set up accounting programs for companies."

4. in those days / today - then / now.MORE EXAMPLES"I became a writer in the 1970's. In those days I used a typewriter, but today I use a computer.""I went to Tate College. In those days I had no money. Today I own a beautiful home."

5. I didn't get your name - Say this when you didn't hear someone's name, or you can't remember it.MORE EXAMPLES"Who's that man in the blue jacket? I didn't get his name."A : "This is Mr. Stevanoloulich."B : "Mr...? Sorry, I didn't get your name."

6. nice to see you again - Say this when you see someone you have met before. NOT Nice to meet you.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Hi Alice. I haven't seen you for a long time."B : "Yes, nice to see you again, Ahmed.""Good bye Jim. It was nice to see you again. Please say hello to your family for me."

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1. it's on the tip of my tongue - I can almost remember it.MORE EXAMPLESA : "What's the capital of Canada?"B : "Otta... It's on the tip of my tongue. Otta...Ottawa!"A : "Do you remember my address?"B : "Sure, it's 22... wait, it's on the tip of my tongue... Elm Street?"A : "Yes, that's right!"

2. give someone a ride - drive someone to a place they need to go.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Could you give me a ride to school?"B : "Sure. I have to drive past your school anyway."A : "How are you getting to the party?"B : "Mary is giving me a ride."

3. have trouble with something - Say this when something is a problem.MORE EXAMPLES"My son had trouble with his homework last night. He couldn't understand it.""I always have trouble with this key! It's difficult to unlock the door!"

4. by far - by a large amount. Say this to show that something is very different from other things.MORE EXAMPLES"This is the fastest printer we have by far. All the others are much slower.""Most camera shops charge $5 per photo. But this shop charges only $2! That's the lowest price by far."

5. I'm positive - I'm 100% sure.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I can't find the key."B : "Are you sure you left it on the table?"A : "I'm positive. I remember putting it there."A : "Is Sam coming to the football game?"B : "I think so but I'm not positive."

6. I can't figure out how to - Say this when you can't understand how to do something.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I can't figure out how to turn this radio on."B : "Just press this button.""I can't figure out how to use the fax machine. Could you help me?"

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1. something works / doesn't work - something functions / doesn't function.MORE EXAMPLES"My fax machine doesn't work because I dropped it yesterday."A : "This radio is so old. Does it work?"B : "Yes, it works well."

2. suggest that he / you / we - NOT suggest him to ; NOT suggest you to ; NOT suggest us to.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I need a lot of money."B : "I suggest that you go to your bank. They can lend you money.""His hair is too long so I suggested that he get a haircut."NOTE : suggest that he put, get, go,etc. NOT suggest that he puts, gets, goes, etc.

3. in May / on Tuesday, May 2nd at 9 o'clock - in + months ; on + day ; at + time.MORE EXAMPLESA : "When did she have the baby?"B : "It was in July. In fact, it was on July 16th at 6 o'clock."A : "Are you free next Wednesday?"B : "No, but I'm free on Thursday."A : "How about at 3 o'clock?"NOTE : NOT on next Wednesday.

4. come off - become detached.分离MORE EXAMPLES"I bought a cheap suitcase. The wheels came off after one week!""My house is in bad condition. The paint is coming off the walls. And last night, the door handle came off."

5. a fortune - a lot of money.MORE EXAMPLES"Last summer it rained every day. Umbrella companies made a fortune!""They spent a fortune on their son's education."

6. at the most - not more than.MORE EXAMPLES"The wedding hall is small so we can invite 30 people at the most to our wedding.""I can play tennis for one hour at the most. After an hour, I feel tired."

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1. in the short term / in the long run - temporarily / over a long period of time.MORE EXAMPLES"Covering the hole in your roof is okay in the short term. But in the long run, you will need a new roof.""Smoking doesn't hurt you much when you're young. But in the long run, you develop health problems."

2. think it over - take time to think before deciding.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Will you take that job?"B : "I'm not sure. I need a few days to think it over.""I thought it over and I've decided to study engineering."

3. get something in writing - have a signed agreement or contract.MORE EXAMPLESA : "He said he will pay me next month."B : "You should get it in writing."A : "You and I already have a verbal agreement."B : "Yes, but I'd like to get our agreement in writing."NOTE : verbal agreement = spoken agreement.

4.come with - be served with and included in the price of something.MORE EXAMPLES"You don't need to order soup because your chicken comes with soup."A : "Does the spaghetti come with a salad?"B : "No, a salad costs extra."

5. instead of something - to replace something.MORE EXAMPLES"We have a meeting on Friday but I'll be very busy then. Could we meet on Thursday instead of Friday?""My fax machine is broken. Please email me instead of faxing me."NOTE : sometimes instead of + _ing

6. throw it away / put it away - put it in the trash / put it in a special keeping place.MORE EXAMPLES"Those apples are very old. Throw them away!""My children always put away their toys when they finish playing."NOTE : put something away, put away something, put it away, NOT put away it.NOTE : throw something away, throw away something, throw it away, NOT throw away it.

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1. give someone a hand - help someone.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I can't open this window. It's stuck!"B : "Let me give you a hand.""Fred had to photocopy 500 pages, so I gave him a hand with the job."

2. enough - adjective + enough / enough + noun. NOT enough tall, enough fat / NOT space is enough, time is enough.MORE EXAMPLES"I don't have enough time to call him today. I'm too busy."A : "Can you print 100 pages an hour?"B : "No, my printer isn't fast enough."NOTE : noun = thing (book, man, house)adjective = describing word (good, old, tall)

3. bring something up - start talking about something.MORE EXAMPLES"Sam brought up the problem and then we discussed it."A : "Can we talk about the schedule?"B : "Yes. I'm happy you brought it up."NOTE : bring something up, bring up something, bring it up, NOT bring up it.

4. fine with me - I accept the suggestion.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Why don't we paint this wall green?"B : "Okay. That's fine with me."A : "Would it be possible to change the meeting to Thursday?"B : "That's fine with me, but you'd better ask Albert too."

5. a table for three - Say this when you want the restaurant staff to find you a table.MORE EXAMPLES"We'd like a table for two in non-smoking, please.""Could we have a table for four near the window, please?"NOTE : non-smoking = the area where smoking is not allowed.

6. ready to order - Say this when you want to order your meal.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Miss? We are ready to order."B : "I'll be with you in one moment."A : "Excuse me, I'm ready to order."B : "Okay. What would you like?"

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1. split the check - each person pays the same amount in a restaurant.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Who paid for dinner?"B : "We each paid $15. We split it.""You paid for lunch last time. Let's split the check today."

2. the other day - a few days ago.MORE EXAMPLES"I had a car accident the other day when I was driving to work."A : "I saw Mr. Saito the other day."B : "When?"A : "I can't remember. Sometime last week."

3. there is something left - something is remaining.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Is there any pizza left?"B : "Yes, there are two slices left.""There's no paper left. We need to buy more."

4. run out of something - use something until it is finished.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Where are the stamps?"B : "We ran out of them. I used the last one yesterday.""We're running out of teabags. We only have three left."NOTE : running out of = almost finished.

5. I haven't seen you for years - the last time I saw you was many years ago.MORE EXAMPLES"I miss my family. I haven't seen them for six months.""Is Kana in the office this week? I haven't seen him for a few days."

6. What are you up to these days? - tell me about your recent life. Say this to someone you haven't seen for a long time.MORE EXAMPLESA : "What are you up to these days?"B : "I have my own company now."A : "I haven't seen you for two years. What are you up to these days?"B : "I'm still working for the same company."

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1. I'd better get going - Say this to politely leave a conversation.MORE EXAMPLES"It's late. I'd better get going. But thank you for a very nice dinner."A : "Would you like another coffee?"B : "Actually, I'd better get going now."

2. keep in touch - continue to have contact.MORE EXAMPLES"My brother lives in Australia. We keep in touch by phone."A : "Do you keep in touch with your old classmates?"B : "Yes, we email each other."

3. send my regards to someone - Say this if you want someone to give your greeting to another person.MORE EXAMPLESA : "How's your family?"B : "Fine thanks."A : "Send my regards to them."A : "Andy sends his regards to you."B : "Oh, please send my regards back to him."

4. call someone back - phone someone who tried phoning you earlier.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Mr. Smith called you."B : "I know. I tried to call him back, but he wasn't in the office.""I don't have the information you need. I'll find it and call you right back."NOTE : call someone right back = call someone back very soon.

5. go through something - search or examine something carefully.MORE EXAMPLES"I went through my bag, but I still can't find my keys!""I'm going through this report. I want to check for mistakes."

6. returning someone's call - Say this when you phone someone who tried phoning you earlier.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Hi Mary. I'm returning your call."B : "Thanks Louis. I called you yesterday because..."A : "May I speak to Mr. Chong?"B : "Can I ask what it's regarding?"A : "Yes. I'm returning his call."

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1. on the other line - talking on a different phone line.MORE EXAMPLES"When you called me, I was on the other line so I couldn't talk to you."A : "Can I speak to Mohammed?"B : "He's on the other line now. Would you like to leave a message?"

2. on the right track - doing the right thing.MORE EXAMPLES"We haven't succeeded yet but we're on the right track."A : "I want to get a better job so I'm going to night school."B : "You're on the right track."

3. almost all something - 90% of something. NOT almost the cake.MORE EXAMPLES"I'll be in the office almost all day. I'll just go out for lunch.""Almost all Japanese eat rice. But some Japanese don't like it."

4. for the next four days - starting now and continuing for four days.MORE EXAMPLES"We are fixing the elevator. For the next few hours, please use the stairs.""Sam is on leave. So for the next two weeks, Mary will do his job."

5. at three sharp - at exactly 3 o'clock ; not 2:59 and not 3:01.MORE EXAMPLES"The meeting will start at 4 o'clock sharp so please be on time.""The boat leaves at eight sharp. So if you arrive at 8:01, you will be too late."

6. let someone know - give someone information.MORE EXAMPLESA : "When are you going on vacation?"B : "I'm not sure. I'll let you know soon.""When you find out how much it costs, please let me know."

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1. How did something go? - Ask this to learn if something was successful.MORE EXAMPLESA : "How did your job interview go?"B : "It went well. I hope I got the job."A : "How did your presentation go?"B : "It went okay. I was a little nervous."

2. I'm interested in something - NOT I interesting.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Why are you reading a book about Gandhi?"B : "I'm interested in his life.""My son is interested in leraning karate."NOTE : sometimes interested in + _ing

3. hang up - end a phone call by cutting the connection.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Is Mary still talking on the phone?"B : "No, she just hung up.""This is a bad connection. I'll hung up and call you back."

4. it's someone's turn - it's someone's time to do something.MORE EXAMPLES"Monday is my day to feed the fish. Tuesday is your day. Today is Tuesday, so it's your turn.""I washed the car last week. This week it's my husband's turn to wash the car."

5. eight feet long / wide / high - NOT long eight feet / NOT wide four feet / NOT high four feet.MORE EXAMPLESA : "How big is your office?"B : "It's 30 feet long and 20 feet wide."A : "How high is Mount Everest?"B : "It's 29,035 feet high!"

6. move on - begin a new topic. We often use this in meetings.MORE EXAMPLES"We can't solve this problem right now so why don't we move on to the next problem.""We've been talking about this for an hour! Let's move on."

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1. wrap up - finish a meeting.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Sorry I missed the meeting. What time did you wrap up?"B : "At 5 o'clock.""I'd like to wrap up this meeting by 6 o'clock so let's move on to the next point now."NOTE : point = topic.

4. Can I make a suggestion? - You can ask this before suggesting something.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I don't like taking the bus."B : "Can I make a suggestion?"A : "Okay."B : "Why don't you take the train instead of the bus?"A : "Can I make a suggestion?"B : "Sure."A : "Let's paint the office."

5. do something in five days - it takes five days to complete something.MORE EXAMPLES"She's fast! She can run five kilometers in 20 minutes!""I won the Burger-Eating Contest! I ate six burgers in three minutes!"

3. calm down - become relaxed.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I'm so angry at Maria! I'm going to talk to her right now!"B : "You should calm down before you talk to her.""I always feel nervous before a job interview. So I sit quietly and try to calm down first."

6. for the time being - at this time only ; not forever.MORE EXAMPLES"Next year we will buy a house, but for the time being we're living with my parents.""I'm working as a waiter for the time being. But I hope to become a doctor."

2. there's no point - there's no reason. Say this when it is not useful to do something.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Let's go to the shopping mall."B : "There's no point. It's closed now."A : "Should I fix this printer?"B : "No, it's too old. There's no point in fixing it. It will break again."NOTE : sometimes there's no point in _ing

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1. I see your point - I understand your opinion or feelings.MORE EXAMPLESA : "If you buy a car, you won't have enough money to buy a house."B : "I see your point, but I need a car to get to work."A : "You often borrow my car and use all the petrol! Petrol is expansive."B : "Yes, I see your point. I'll buy petrol next time."

2. it's not worth it - it requires too much effort for a small result.MORE EXAMPLESA : "If you clean my house, I'll give you $5."B : "Only $5! It's not worth it."A : "Are you going to paint your house?"B : "No. It's not worth it. We are moving next year."

3. can afford / can't afford - have enough money / don't have enough money.MORE EXAMPLES"I can't afford a car, so I bought a bicycle.""Movie stars can afford to buy everything they want."

4. the same as - NOT same like.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I'm going to order a burger."B : "I'll have the same as you."A : "Is your new office bigger than your old one?"B : "No. It's the same size as the old office."

5. any minute now - very soon.MORE EXAMPLES"Fred is outside parking his car. He'll be here any minute now.""Would everyone please sit down? Mr. Kim is going to start the meeting any minute now."

6. pull strings - use personal contacts to get something.MORE EXAMPLESA : "How did he become vice president of the company?"B : "His father is the president. His father pulled some strings.""I'd like to work for ABC Company. My uncle works there. Maybe he can pull some strings for me."

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1. lend someone something - give something to someone for a short time - they will return it later. NOT Could you borrow me.MORE EXAMPLES"I lent Susan my jacket but she never gave it back to me. She borrowed it last year!"A : "I forgot to bring my handphone."B : "Here, I can lend you my phone."

2. within the hour - during the next hour ; before the next hour finishes.MORE EXAMPLES"If you take the medicine now, you'll start to feel better within the hour.""I'm going to the bank now. I'll be back within the hour."

3. go over something - check the details of something.MORE EXAMPLES"Let's go over the travel arrangements. Your flight departs on Tuesday at 9:35 pm and ...""Make sure you go over the contract carefully before you sign it."

4. How's something coming along? - tell me about the progress of something that is not finished.MORE EXAMPLESA : "How's your project coming along?"B : "It's coming along fine."A : "How's the report coming along?"B : "It's coming along okay. I'm almost finished."

5. What's something for? - What is the purpose of something?A : "What are these machines for?"B : "For making bread."A : "What's this key for?"B : "It's for the bathroom."

6. watch out - be careful of something that can be dangerous.MORE EXAMPLES"Watch out! There's a hole in the road!""When you swim in the ocean, watch out for sharks."

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1. leave something somewhere - allow something to stay somewhere.MORE EXAMPLES"I think I left my glasses on your desk. Did you find them?"A : "Where should I put your book?"B : "Just leave it on my desk. I'll get it later."

2. call in sick - phone your boss to say you can't go to work because you are sick.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Where's Wong? He's not at his desk."B : "He called in sick. He's at the doctor's.""Susie called in sick. She has the flu so she can't come to work."

3. Can I have a word with you ? - Can I speak to you for a short time?MORE EXAMPLESA : "Can I have a word with you?"B : "Yes."A : "We have to change the time of the meeting."A : "Can I have a word with you?"B : "Sure. Can you wait five minutes? I'm on the phone now."

4. in a row - one thing directly after another thing.MORE EXAMPLES"We went to Japan three years in a row. In 2004, 2005 and 2006."A : "I exercised on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday."B : "Is it healthy to exercise four days in a row?"

5. pick someone up - stop to collect someone.MORE EXAMPLESA : "How did you get to the doctor?"B : "My husband picked me up at work and drove me there.""Cindy's plane arrives at 4 o'clock tomorrow. I'll pick her up at the airport."

6. in luck / out of luck - lucky / unlucky.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Would it be possible to see the doctor today?"B : "You're in luck. A patient just canceled. You can come in at 2 o'clock.""Oh no! We are out of luck. The shop has already closed."

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1. last three hours - continue for three hours.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I hope the meeting doesn't last long."B : "I think it will last about an hour."A : "How long did the Second World War last?"B : "It lasted six years, from 1939 to 1945."

2. get something done - finish something.MORE EXAMPLESA : "When can you get the job done?"B : "I can get it done by Friday.""I can't get everything done today. I'll finish tomorrow."

3. take longer than someone expected - need more time than originally planned.MORE EXAMPLES"I thought it took two hours to drive to your house. I was wrong. It took three hours. It took longer than I expected.""I planned to finish this job today but it's taking longer than I expected. I'll finish it tomorrow."

4. have a sense of humor - enjoy funny things ; enjoy laughing.MORE EXAMPLES"I want to marry a man who has a sense of humor.""It's important to have a sense of humor when life gets stressful."

5. can't get something down / in / out / open - Say this when something is difficult to do.MORE EXAMPLES"My disc is stuck in my computer! I can't get it out!""My suitcase is full. I can't get my shoes in."

6. last 20 years - can function or can be used for 20 years.MORE EXAMPLES"I buy leather shoes because leather lasts a long time.""I bought a cheap radio. It lasted only six months. Then it broke."

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1. I'm sorry to hear ... - When something bad happens to someone, say this to show you care.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I'm sorry to hear about your car accident."B : "Thanks. I'm feeling better now."A : "My uncle had a heart attack. He's in the hospital."B : "Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. Is he getting better?"

2. Would you prefer x or y ? - Do you want x or y ? Ask this when you give someone a choice.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Would you prefer coffee or tea?"B : "Coffee, please."A : "Would you prefer to meet at my office or at your office?"B : "I'd prefer to meet at my office if you don't mind."

3. from now on - starting now and continuing forever.MORE EXAMPLES"I just won $10,000! From now on, I'm going to take taxis, not buses!""Judy is our new receptionist. From now on, she will answer the phone."

4. that's funny - that's strange.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Did you get my letter?"B : "No."A : "That's funny. I mailed it three weeks ago."A : "Sudha isn't here yet."B : "That's funny. She usually gets here very early."

5. there's nothing I can do (about it) - Say this when you cannot help someone.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I want to take the 2 o'clock train!"B : "But, I told you it's fully booked. There's nothing I can do."A : "Taxi driver, please drive faster!"B : "There's nothing I can do! We're in a traffic jam!"

6. I'd better let you go - Say this to end a phone call politely.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I'd better let you go now."B : "Okay. I'll call you again soon."A : "Okay. Bye."A : "I'm sure you're busy. I'd better let you go."B : "Okay. Nice talking to you."

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1. look into something - investigate ; research.MORE EXAMPLES"We just moved to a new city. We're looking into schools for our children."A : "There's a problem with my bill."B : "Okay. Don't worry. I'll look into the problem right now."

2. reach someone - contact someone by phone, email, fax, etc.MORE EXAMPLESA : "How can I reach you?"B : "You can email me at this at address.""I'll be away on business for a few days, so you won't be able to reach me at the office."

3. get by - manage but with difficulty.MORE EXAMPLES"My car broke down. I have to get by with my bicycle for a few days.""We don't have much money, but we can get by if we don't spend much."

4. How long does it take to get to a place - How much time is needed to arrive at a place?MORE EXAMPLESA : "How long does it take to get to Johor Bahru from Penang?"B : "It takes about 10 hours."A : "How long does it take to get to the bank?"B : "Not long. It's a 5-minute walk."

5. Would it be possible for someone to - This is a polite request. Say this when you don't know if someone can help you.MORE EXAMPLES"Would it be possible for me to see the doctor today? I don't have an appointment."A : "Would it be possible for you to lend me $300?"B : "$300! That's a lot of money!"

6. find out - get a piece of information.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Let's go see that new movie tonight."B : "Okay. I'll find out when it starts."A : "How old is Jane?"B : "I don't know but I can find out. I'll ask her sister."

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1. How long have you been in this place ? - Ask this to know the amount of time spent in the place someone is now.MORE EXAMPLESA : "How long have you been in this country?"B : "I've been here for six months, but I still can't find a job!"A : "How long have you been in Singapore?"B : "For five years. I grew up in Sri Lanka and moved here five years ago."

2. What does this mean? - NOT What mean this? ; NOT What this mean?MORE EXAMPLESA : "What does 'large' mean?"B : "It means 'big'."A : "What does 'insatiable' mean?"B : "I don't know. Look it up in the dictionary."

3. away on business - in another city or country on a business trip.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Are you free next week?"B : "No, I'll be away on business."A : "I went yo your house last week, but you weren't home."B : "I was away on business."

4. should have done something - Say this when something was a good idea, but you didn't do it. You made a mistake and now it's too late.MORE EXAMPLES"Fred wanted to marry you, but you said no. Now he's very successful! You should have married him!""The photocopier is broken because you put in too much paper. You shouldn't have put in so much paper."

5. someone is back - someone has returned from somewhere.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Miss French went to the bank. Is she back?"B : "No, she isn't back yet.""My father was in the hospital for a few days, but now he's back home."

6. by the way - Say this when you say something that is not connected to topic you are talking about.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Are you ready to go to lunch?"B : "Yes, let's go. By the way, your mother called.""... then we visited Paris and then we went to London. By the way, how's your sister?"

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1. short by - Say this when you don't have enough. This shows how much you need.MORE EXAMPLES"We need 10 players for our football game. We have eight players, so we're short by two."A : "My cash register is short by $15!"B : "You must have given a customer too much money."

2. Have you been waiting long? - This is a polite question to ask someone waiting for you.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Have you been waiting long?"B : "No, just a few minutes.""I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Have you been waiting long?"

3. Will that be all? - Is that the only thing you want? Servers ask this in restaurants.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I'll have a cheeseburger and a tea, please."B : "Will that be all?"A : "Yes, that's it, thank you."A : "I'd like a salad, please."B : "Will that be all?"A : "No. And a Coke, too."

4. For here or to go? - Do you want to eat / drink here in the restaurant, or do you want to take it away? Servers ask this in restaurants.MORE EXAMPLESA : "One chicken sandwich, please."B : "Is that for here or to go?"A : "It's to go."A : "I'd like two coffees, please."B : "For here or to go?"A : "For here, please."

5. look / look like - look + adjective / look like + noun. NOT he looks like Italian.MORE EXAMPLESA : "You look tired."B : "That's because I worked late every night this week."A : "My new haircut is too short. I look like a boy."B : "No, you look beautiful."

6. at least 21 - 21 or more than 21.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I wonder how much that jacket costs."B : "At least $200. Maybe even $300! It's made of leather.""That piano is heavy! You need at least four people to help you carry it."

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1. get back to someone - contact someone as a reply by phone, email, fax, etc.MORE EXAMPLES"I don't have that information right now. I'll get back to you later.""Please get back to me by email or phone."

2. as far as I know - based on the information I have. Say this when you might be wrong.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Is Ali going to the meeting?"B : "Yes. As far as I know, he's going. Miss Tan told me hat everyone is going.""There was a fire at the bank! As far as I know, nobody was hurt. That's what I heard on the radio."

3. How was something? - It's polite to ask about someone's recent experience. Say this to know if it was good or bad.MORE EXAMPLESA : "How was your holiday?"B : "It was great, thanks."A : "How was the conference?"B : "Interesting. There were a lot of good speakers."

4. show someone around - take someone for a tour.MORE EXAMPLES"Welcome to Boston. I'll show you around the city tonight.""We're interested in buying this house. Could you show us around?"

5. stand for - mean. Say this when only the first letters of words are used.MORE EXAMPLES"C.O.D. stands for 'cash on delivery'."A : "What does FYI stand for?"B : "It stands for 'for your information'."

6. make yourself / yourselves at home - please feel relaxed and comfortable. Say this to welcome guests to your home.MORE EXAMPLES"Hi James. Come in and make yourself at home. Let me take your coat."A : "May I use your phone?"B : "Sure. Make yourself at home."

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1. help yourself / yourselves - serve your own food or drink.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Can I have some more soup?"B : "Sure. Could you help yourself? I have to cut the cake.""Ladies, if you'd like coffee or tea, please help yourselves."

2. back and forth - in one direction, then in the opposite direction - repeated many times.MORE EXAMPLES"That was a long tennis game. The ball went back and forth for two hours!""We emailed back and forth for six months before we met."

3. short notice - without much advance warning.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Can you fix my car today?"B : "No, I can't fix it on short notice. I have to fix a lot of cars today.""Could you work tonight? I know it's short notice, but I need help in the shop."NOTE : do something on short time.

4. come up with something - produce an idea or solution.MORE EXAMPLES"Every night those noisy cats wake me up. I need to come up with a solution to the problem.""Carl came up with a great idea for our presentation!"

5. hands-on experience - experience where you learn by doing something, not by studying.MORE EXAMPLES"I study cooking, but I work as a waiter. This gives me hands-on experience in the restaurant business.""I'm an architect now, but first I worked as a builder. That hands-on experience taught me a lot."

6. once every four years - NOT four years once.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I go jogging once a week."B : "I only go once every two weeks.""The earth goes around the sun once every 365 days."

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1. Could you press 15? - Ask this is an elevator if you can't reach the buttons.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Which floor would you like?"B : "Could you press seven, please?""Could you press six, please? I can't reach. Thanks."

2. Can I get by? - Ask this when you need someone to move so you can go past them.MORE EXAMPLES"Can I get by, please? I have to catch that train.""Excuse me. Can I get by? I need to get off the bus here."

3. I'd recommend something - Say this to suggest something. NOT I recommend you to buy the Imax.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Do you know any good French restaurant?"B : "Yes, I'd recommend Chez Pierre."A : "I need exercise. What should I do?"B : "I'd recommend swimming."NOTE : sometimes recommend + _ing

4. I don't know offhand - I don't have the information in my memory. Say this when you need to go and find the answer.MORE EXAMPLESA : "How many people live in London?"B : "I don't know offhand. I'll look it up on the Internet."A : "Do you know Sam's phone number?"B : "I don't know it offhand. It's in my phonebook."

5. have something done - Say this when you arrange something, but someone else does it.MORE EXAMPLES"There were workers in my house yesterday. I had the walls painted and I had the air conditioner repaired.""We make radios, but we don't make the small parts. We have the parts made by another company."

6. move something up - change a plan to an earlier time.MORE EXAMPLES"The deadline was Friday, but they moved it up to Thursday."A : "Let's have lunch at 2 o'clock."B : "That's a bit late. Can we move it up to one o'clock?"

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1. the week after next - the week after next week. NOT next next week.MORE EXAMPLES"My exam is the week after next, so I have to study hard next week.""We can't finish the job next week, but we can finish it the week after next."

2. I wish you all the best - Say this to wish someone success and happiness in their future or with a big project.MORE EXAMPLES"Good bye students. I wish you all the best next year.""I wish all the best with your new business. I'm sure it will be a success."

3. if I were you, I'd... - Say this to give advice by imagining you are in the other person's situation.MORE EXAMPLESA : "My salary is low and I don't enjoy my job."B : "If I were you, I'd look for another job."A : "We've repaired our fax machine twice this year."B : "If I were you, I'd buy a new one."

4. in other words - Say this if you need to repeat something a different way.MORE EXAMPLES"A 5-year-old child could understand this computer program. In other words, it's very easy.""Employees are expected to have completed all duties prior to departure . In other words, finish your work before you go home."

5. tell someone - NOT tell to someone ; NOT tell that.MORE EXAMPLES"She told him to wait. He told her that he couldn't wait.""I told the children to clean up their rooms. Please tell them again!"

6. it's easy to / it's difficult to - NOT I'm easy to / NOT I'm difficult to.MORE EXAMPLES"It's easy to get to the airport. Just follow the road signs.""It's difficult for me to read without my glasses."

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1. give up - quit ; stop doing something.MORE EXAMPLES"I called him three times, but he never answered the phone. So, I gave up.""I feel healthier now because I gave up smoking last year."NOTE : sometimes give up + _ing

2. get on / get off / get in / get out - get on / get off = for buses, trains and planes. ; get in / get out = for cars and taxis.MORE EXAMPLES"I was wearing my glasses when I got on the plane. I lost them when I got off the plane or when I got in the taxi!""Taxi Driver, I'd like to get out at the next street, please."

3. even though - Say this when you show two contrasting or opposite ideas. NOT even he's big.MORE EXAMPLES"Even though he's rich and successful, he's not happy.""ABC Printing Company is very good. So even though it's expensive, we use the company."

4. was / were supposed to - Say this to talk about a plan that didn't happen.MORE EXAMPLES"I was supposed to go to the meeting. I planned to go, but I didn't have time.""Why isn't this job finished? You were supposed to finish this last month!"

5. take a chance - do something that might result in danger or failure.MORE EXAMPLES"The mountain was icy and dangerous. But we took a chance and climbed up.""We spent $10,000 on advertising. We took a chance, but it didn't increase sales."

6. on second thought - Say this when you change your decision.MORE EXAMPLES"Let's meet at the library. On second thought, let's meet at the coffee shop because the library is closed."A : "I'm going to buy this tie."B : "It's $300."A : "$300? On second thought, I think I'll buy a different one."

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1. he was successful / he succeeded / he had success - NOT he success ; NOT he successful.MORE EXAMPLES"I'd always wanted to climb Mount Everest and finally I succeeded.""I had a lot of success with importing. I was successful because I worked hard."

2. on average - about ; around ; approximately. This is the result after you add amount together, then divide by the number of amounts.MORE EXAMPLES"Our staff is, on average, 30 years old.""I cook chicken, on average, twice a week."

3. do well - be financially successful.MORE EXAMPLES"Two years ago, I didn't do very well. I made only five sales. But I did well last year. I made over 70 sales!""Look at Frank's expensive new car! His business is doing well this year."

4. the bottom line is - the main idea is ; the thing I'm really trying to say is.MORE EXAMPLES"I worked hard on the project. I tried my best. But the bottom line is I couldn't finish it.""He's lazy, his work is not good, and he's late every day. The bottom line is we need to find someone else for the job."

5. Could you go over that again? - Ask this if you need someone to repeat a lot of information.MORE EXAMPLESA : "... then turn left and then right and then... "B : "Sorry, but could you go over the directions again?""Could you go over the computer instructions again? I didn't understand everything you said."

6. have a good time - Say this before someone goes somewhere enjoyable.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Mom, I'm going to my friend's party now."B : "Okay, have a good time."A : "My friends will be here soon. We're going out for dinner."B : "Oh, have a good time."

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1. hear of something / someone - know that something / someone exists.MORE EXAMPLESA : "The newspaper says that Sharon Stanley died!"B : "Who is she? I've never heard of her."A : "Have you seen the movie Danger Zone?"B : "No, But I've heard of it. My sister told me about it."

2. Is something included? - Is the cost of something already added on to the price? NOT Is it include breakfast?MORE EXAMPLESA : "I like this laptop for $1,999. Is this carrying case included?"B : "Yes, you get the laptop and the case, all for $1,999."A : "This watch is $100."B : "Is tax included?"A : "No. With tax, the price comes to $108."

3. it depends on something - something will decide for me. NOT it's depend.MORE EXAMPLESA : "How much does it cost to mail a package?"B : "It depends on the weight."A : "Are you going to buy one shirt or two?"B : "It depends on the price."

4. on leave - having planned absence from work.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Does Mary still work here?"B : "Yes, but she's on leave, taking care of her mother this week.""We just had a baby. My wife is on maternity leave."NOTE : on maternity leave = absent from work to give birth.

5. bring someone up to date - tell someone the most recent information.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Please bring me up to date on the computer problem."B : "I fixed it. Then it broke again. Now it's at the repair shop."A : "I haven't seen Jane for years!"B : "I'll bring you up to date. She got married, moved to Japan, and now she teaches English."

6. Can you tell me how to get to a place? - This is a polite way to ask for directions.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Can you tell me how to get to Whitman's Watch Shop?"B : "Take the elevator to the third floor and turn left."A : "Can you tell me how to get to the human resources department?"B : "Go straight and turn left at the end of the hall."

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1. even if it rains - it might rain, but rain is not important - rain will not change the situation. NOT even it rains.MORE EXAMPLES"Rozlina is a good student. She studies very hard. Even if she's tired, she studies.""Even if customers are unfriendly, sales people should be polite."

2. a no-win situation - a situation that can have only bad results.MORE EXAMPLES"When a supermarket opened near our store, we lost customers. Now, we can't sell the store. It's a no-win situation.""If I work, I have to pay for a babysitter. If I stop working, I will lose money. It's a no-win situation."

3. have time off - have non-working time arranged by the company.MORE EXAMPLES"I have a week off in July so I might go to Spain."A : "Do you work on weekends?"B : "Only on Saturdays. I have Sundays off."

4. get together with someone - meet someone socially.MORE EXAMPLES"Would you like to get together next week? We could go and see a movie."A : "I'm leaving next week."B : "Let's get together for lunch before you go."

5. as for something - Say this to introduce a topic. NOT about the hotel.MORE EXAMPLES"Sergio's is a good restaurant. As for the service, it's fast and the waiters are friendly. As for the price, it's quite cheap."A : "What do we need for the party?"B : "As for food, we need a cake. As for decorations, let's buy some balloons."

6. What's something / someone like? - Tell me about something or someone.MORE EXAMPLESA : "What's that restaurant like?"B : "Well, the food is quite spicy and it's a little expensive."A : "What's your boss like?"B : "He's very friendly and kind."

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1. short for something - a shorter way to say a word.MORE EXAMPLES"S'pore is short for Singapore."A : "I need to buy milk and a veggie."B : "What does 'veggie' mean?"A : "It's short for vegetable."

2. know how - have the skill.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Do you know how to use a fax machine?"B : "Sure I know how.""Mom knows how to type but she doesn't know how to use a computer."

3. say that / say to - NOT you said me ; NOT I said him.MORE EXAMPLESA : "What did you say to him?"B : "I said that I was interested in the job.""She said that she has two brothers, and she told me that they are twins."

4. let someone go - take away someone's job.MORE EXAMPLES"He took money from the company so his boss let him go.""Our company isn't doing well this year. We let five people go so we could save money."

5. come to - Say this before the total amount.MORE EXAMPLES"I bought a lot of food last week. My bill came to $200."A : "How much is this?"B : "It's $6. With tax, it comes to $6.48."

6. give me five minutes - Say this when you need someone to wait.MORE EXAMPLESA : "When can you deliver the sofa?"B : "Can you give me a few days? I'm very busy this week."A : "Can I talk to you?"B : "Sure, but can you give me 5 minutes. I need to make a phone call first."

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1. in case something happens - because something might happen.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Don't forget to buy eggs."B : "I'd better write it down in case I forget."A : "Why are you putting a smoke alarm on the wall?"B : "In case there's a fire."

2. it's up to someone - someone decides.MORE EXAMPLESA : "What color will you paint your house?"B : "It's not up to me. It's up to my wife. She will decide."A : "Can customers return products?"B : "It's up to the manager."

3. during something - at the same time as something. During + noun. NOT during we watch the movie.MORE EXAMPLES"During the flight, I read 2 books.""We visited friends during our holiday.""During the meeting, I fell asleep."

4. What's taking so long? - Why is something taking a long time?MORE EXAMPLES"We've been waiting for the bus for an hour! What's taking so long?"A : "He still hasn't arrived. What's taking so long?"B : "He's stuck in traffic."

5. sleep in - wake up later than usual - by choice.MORE EXAMPLES"I can sleep in tomorrow morning because tomorrow is a holiday!""I feel great! I slept in until 9 o'clock today."

6. speaking of something - Say this when a word makes you think of a new topic.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I want to mail this letter."B : "Speaking of mail, did you get a postcard from Ah Chong?"A : "Joe bought a new car."B : "Speaking of Joe, did you know he's getting married next month?"

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1. How are you getting somewhere? - Ask this to find out if someone is going to take a plane, train, car, bus, etc.MORE EXAMPLESA : "How are you getting to the conference?"B : "By taxi."A : "How are you getting home after the party?"B : "Jane's going to drive me home."

2. Could I ask you a favor? - Ask this before requesting someone's help.MORE EXAMPLES"Julio, could I ask you a favor? Could help me read this form? It's Spanish and I can't understand it."A : "Could I ask you a favor?"B : "Okay."A : "Could you help me carry these boxes?"

3. How would you like to pay? - Do you want to pay by cash, check or credit card?MORE EXAMPLESA : "Your bill comes to $47.95. How would you like to pay?"B : "By cash, please."A : "How would you like to pay?"B : "I'll pay by check."NOTE : pay by cash, check or credit card.

4. there's something wrong with something - Say this when you are not sure what the problem is.MORE EXAMPLES"There's something wrong with the air conditioner. The air isn't cold.""There's something wrong with my leg. It hurts when I walk."

5. how soon - what is the earliest time.MORE EXAMPLESA : "How soon can you finish the project?"B : "We can get it done by Friday."A : "How soon can you start working?"B : "I can start on Monday."

6. Can I ask what it's regarding? - Ask this to learn why someone wants to speak to someone.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I'd like to see the manager."B : "Can I ask what it's regarding?"A : "I bought a computer here last week and it's broken."A : "May I speak to Mr. Yi?"B : "Can I ask what it's regarding?"A : "It's regarding his account with City Bank."

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1. has nothing to do with something / someone - does not concern or involve someone / something.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Did you quit your job because of the pay?"B : "No, it has nothing to do with pay. I want to start my own company."A : "Are you angry with me?"B : "No, I'm angry with Paul. It has nothing to do with you."

2. can't make it - not able to attend.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Is Bob coming to the movie?"B : "No, he's working late. He can't make it."A : "The meeting starts at 3 o'clock."B : "I can't make it at three. I'll be a little late."

3. make sure - confirm ; ensure.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Please make sure we have enough chairs for the meeting."B : "I've already made sure.""Could you make sure you turn off the computer before you leave?"

4. an hour late - NOT late an hour.MORE EXAMPLES"I'm still at the bank. I'll be a few minutes late.""I got to the doctor's office on time, but the doctor was 20 minutes late!"

5. dressed up - wearing their best clothes.MORE EXAMPLES"My wife likes to get dressed up. But I prefer casual clothes."A : "Why are you dressed up today?"B : "I have a meeting with an important customer."

6. must be - Say this when you are 95% sure about something.MORE EXAMPLES"I took my shoe to the repair shop a month ago. It must be ready by now.""I just called the store, but no one answered the phone. It must be closed."

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1. on the other hand - Say this before you give an opposite or contrasting idea.MORE EXAMPLES"Studying medicine is interesting. On the other hand, it's difficult."A : "London is a beautiful city."B : "Yes, but on the other hand, it rains a lot."

2. to tell you the truth - Say this when you want to speak honestly - often before saying something negative.MORE EXAMPLESA : "How was my speech?"B : "Good, but to tell you the truth, it was a bit too long.""He's a kind teacher, but to tell you the truth, his class is boring."

3. put someone in charge - give someone the job of leader or supervisor.MORE EXAMPLES"If my husband and I go out, we put our eldest son in charge at home.""I'll put Sara in charge of the party because she is good at organizing."

4. keep someone posted - give someone information when there are new developments.MORE EXAMPLESA : "Did the new client sign the contract?"B : "No, but I'll keep you posted. I'll call you when he signs."A : "The workers will start building today."B : "Please keep me posted on their progress."

5. the day before yesterday - NOTE yesterday before yesterday.MORE EXAMPLES"I was sick the day before yesterday, but yesterday I felt fine.""It was a two-day bus ride! We left the day before yesterday and we arrived yesterday."

6. once a year - NOT one year one time.MORE EXAMPLESA : "I exercise once a week."B : "Really? I only exercise once every two weeks."A : "How often do you check your email?"B : "Once a day."A : "I check mine twice a day, sometimes three times a day."

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