exam time management - created from Mind Map


Note on exam time management - created from Mind Map, created by mihika3601 on 25/02/2014.
Note by mihika3601, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by mihika3601 over 10 years ago
Copied to Note by mihika3601 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

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give each subject a time limit, say 1 hour, and set an aim that you have to complete this much in the time limit.

make sure you complete your aim and if you don't finalise a punisment for yourself

also if you can cordinatine with your parents you can fix an amount, say RS.5 per day if you study welli am not supporting bribes but at times in the exam stress this may work

make sure you are determined enough as after some days many people leave this practice

also take small breaks between each subject of 15 minutes or so.

the most important thing is to beleive in yourself and sont over stress yourself. if you do so it may result in nervousness.

keep in mind that if you study beforehand you will not have to panic or take stress a day before the exam.

exam time management

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